This may not be in the right forum section, but being a powerlifter I wasn’t sure where else to post. Stats: nearly 21, 6’5" and 210-ish. My raw total is a little over 1300 now.
I’ve been hovering around 200-210 for the past 3 years, getting above 210 is pretty much impossible for me. Getting stronger is never an issue, but I can’t seem to break past 210. I want to vomit at the idea of eating more than the 5000 cals/day that I already do. Given my small bone structure (7 inch wrists and 9 inch ankles) even though I’m tall as fuark, I think I may be at my natural potential size-wise. Nearly even male in my family is tall and lanky (over 6’ and under 200 ectomorphs), so my genetics aren’t the greatest.
What do you guys think of natural genetic potential?
Some people.just have to.force down the food to grow. If you are going to be a strength athlete you will have to put on a lot of mass. Try high calorie shakes or milk if you simply cannot force down enough food.
I forgot to mention, are you still in college? If so, load up on that fucking meal plan and eat whatever you can get your hands on. If you are eating clean, dirty it up a bit. You are skinny as shit, don’t worry about putting on a bit of extra fat. If you are a true high metabolism dude, you will be able to burn it off easily once you get un-skinny.
We’ve got a similar build and genetic background, so to say, although I’ve found that one key to constant weight gains is constantly readjusting your caloric intake to account for increases in lean body mass and the metabolic overdrive that especially occurs when an ectomorphic body begins gaining weight. It’s the same simple advice that you’ve heard many times, but sometimes it actually takes a 1,000 to 1,500-calorie surplus per day to get things moving.
You’ll probably not gain much on the wrists and ankles, but – provided that’s you in your profile photo – it looks as though you’ve got a good platform to build upon and haven’t nearly scoped out the limits of your physique. Good luck!
Dude, you’re 30 pounds lighter than me at the same height and are killing my numbers. I’d imagine if you put on more weight your lifts would definitely improve.
Thanks for the responses everyone! I think I may just eat too clean. I think I’ll hit up McDonald’s and get a milkshake and toss some protein powder in that shit. @VTBalla34 Yeah I’m still in college. The meal plan just isn’t enough, so I’ve been eating whatever decent calories I can get my hands on. @kgildner That is me in the pic about 8 pounds lighter than I am now. I guess I should start doing some more hypertrophy to gain size, but it’s pretty difficult when following a PL/oly program
^ Can’t hurt to throw in some accessory exercises in the 8+ rep range. Perhaps you’re just lacking the proper stimulus for hypertrophy. The deadlift and squat especially benefit from greater mass (especially in the posterior chain), as leverages are thereby improved.
You can gain weight but it isn’t always easy to do or to hold on to.
First, reduce volume of work you are doing in the gym.
Second, eat more. PB&J, whole milk (try a half gallon a day and then adjust from there), milkshakes, etc
Third, believe it will happen
Fourth - this is a long way off but when you are 30 or older you are likely to find it much easier to gain weight once your metabolism slows down a bit, just something to keep in mind
[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
You can gain weight but it isn’t always easy to do or to hold on to.
First, reduce volume of work you are doing in the gym.
Second, eat more. PB&J, whole milk (try a half gallon a day and then adjust from there), milkshakes, etc
Third, believe it will happen
Fourth - this is a long way off but when you are 30 or older you are likely to find it much easier to gain weight once your metabolism slows down a bit, just something to keep in mind[/quote]
Why on earth are you giving out strength training advice? You have about as much muscle as the average office worker, you use internet bro science terms like “cns fatigue”, and you recently talked in an article about how proud you were of your 400 pound bench(i.e., you’re not that strong at all).
[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
You can gain weight but it isn’t always easy to do or to hold on to.
First, reduce volume of work you are doing in the gym.
Second, eat more. PB&J, whole milk (try a half gallon a day and then adjust from there), milkshakes, etc
Third, believe it will happen
Fourth - this is a long way off but when you are 30 or older you are likely to find it much easier to gain weight once your metabolism slows down a bit, just something to keep in mind[/quote]
Why on earth are you giving out strength training advice? You have about as much muscle as the average office worker, you use internet bro science terms like “cns fatigue”, and you recently talked in an article about how proud you were of your 400 pound bench(i.e., you’re not that strong at all).[/quote]
Why on earth are you giving out strength training advice? You have about as much muscle as the average office worker, you use internet bro science terms like “cns fatigue”, and you recently talked in an article about how proud you were of your 400 pound bench(i.e., you’re not that strong at all).[/quote]
Some posts can get under my skin, but this one made me almost spit out my yogurt on my keyboard as I LOLed
LOL. I think Caltene is just trying to joke around and make people laugh. This is the same guy who wasn’t impressed with Vincent Dizenzo’s 405 strict OHP, and who apparently thinks someone who can deadlift 700 raw at 198 isn’t qualified to talk about strength training. He’s just being funny
I’m like 99% sure of this, because otherwise, he’d have to be the dumbest person on the planet. And what are the odds of that?
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
I just find it weird he joined almost 5 years ago, barely has 100 posts, yet most of them have been in the past few months, and all troll worthy.
That is some sleep cell, KGB trollin shit.[/quote]
Naw man. It’s the IRA. They’re using faeries now.