
Is there any way to predict genetic potential? I’m 5’11", 201lbs and a chubby 17% BF. I want to be able to hold about 190lbs easily with 7-10% BF. How can I know right now if that is realistic, about right on, or grossly underestimateing potential? Should I look at siblings with similar genetic traits? One of my older brothers is 6’4" and around 240 lbs. He’s not pure mass either though I don’t know his BF%.

I don’t think you will know until you try. Other factors like a strong effort can make a big difference.I used to be around 30-35% but after I gained some knowledge I am 8-9%. Nobody would have looked at me and thought that I could change that dramatically.

JasonL is right, if you try and DO, that’s how you’ll find out! I got back into bodybuilding about 12years ago, and haven’t stopped, except for missed w.o.'s due to job, flu, family, etc; but all in all, I’ve been steady and relentless in knowing I’ll be doing this the rest of my life, as long as I’m physically able! I’m 49, and am at my most muscled, yet still lean, than I’ve been in my life. Sometimes in the beginning, I said to myself, I’ve got to do this forever or I’ll get back to where I was~skinny arms, yet with a gut; but I finally realized that I loved it, and I didn’t make it like I HAD to do it a set way or else, but on my conditions and my pace! Go for it for the long haul, don’t limit yourself to oh, being there in 9 months, it’s a life-time commitment, but one with very reglar w.o.'s you can take off sometimes and not lose anything, and even gain recovery and strength for when you can get back to it! It’s also life-lengthening, not counting stray bullets, wild busses, etc…

I also meant to say that I’m the only one in my family of 8 siblings that works out, 4 younger than me;and it’s the DOING that depends on if you attain your goals, or at least get as close as possible!

I understand the lifelong commitment and have already made it. Athletics in general will always be a part of my life because no matter what gains I make it makes me feel mentally better. I was just looking for a level to shoot for and expect. I do not want to over do it actually… that is why I was wondering about some sort of genetic predictor. If I know in advance that I would never be able to carry more than say 210 lbs with something like 7% BF then I can start to focus on other factors in physique. Get it? I am looking for the whole package, I just want a rough outline of the way there.