Has anyone had this injury? The gamekeeper’s ligament on my right thumb ripped off, and I’m wondering how soon after surgery I can get to training for a comp. The Dr. has a timetable of around 2 months, which seems ridiculous to me. Thanks
Sounds like he is working with you. I would think 3 months to be more reasonable for the repair to be stable.
I think that is what I have and never had it repaired. I had my both thumbs ripped back (separate incidents) by jerseys while playing football 18 years ago. God, I’m getting old. Anyway, I went to the doctor about 5 years after it happened. He said I’d have to replace the joints at some point in time in the future. Now my hands are about near worthless.
The cartlidge (sp?) is all gone and I dislocate them on a routine basis. I can’t deadlift without straps above more than 315 without dislocating the thumbs. I’ll shake someone’s hand and they will hit the thumb wrong and dislocate it. It sucks. I can’t turn wrenches, use a hammer, or any hand tool for more than about 5 minutes.
Long story short, depending on what you are doing or want to do with your life, listen to your doctor. I’ve lived with the problem for a long time. What I am going through now is manageble for the time being, but it isn’t getting any better. I’m going to try to make it to 50 before having the surgery.
It took me 5 weeks to get back to playing rugby. But I’m a little crazy…
[quote]hoosegow wrote:
I think that is what I have and never had it repaired. I had my both thumbs ripped back (separate incidents) by jerseys while playing football 18 years ago. God, I’m getting old. Anyway, I went to the doctor about 5 years after it happened. He said I’d have to replace the joints at some point in time in the future. Now my hands are about near worthless.
The cartlidge (sp?) is all gone and I dislocate them on a routine basis. I can’t deadlift without straps above more than 315 without dislocating the thumbs. I’ll shake someone’s hand and they will hit the thumb wrong and dislocate it. It sucks. I can’t turn wrenches, use a hammer, or any hand tool for more than about 5 minutes.
Long story short, depending on what you are doing or want to do with your life, listen to your doctor. I’ve lived with the problem for a long time. What I am going through now is manageble for the time being, but it isn’t getting any better. I’m going to try to make it to 50 before having the surgery.[/quote]
And this is why you really really should get the repair done. I was told that even holding a pen was going to be tricky for me unless I had it fixed. If you leave it for a while the tissue of the ligament will be lost and the operation will be way harder, nastier and more expensive!