[quote]Birdman31 wrote:
Several Points:
Go to a competent Sports Medicine specialist or an Orthopedist and get it checked out. In my experience, self-diagnosis is a bad thing. You might think you have an idea as to the cause of your pain but you really don’t. Be smart, swallow your pride, and see a doctor.
You don’t describe your pain with enough detail. If you could provide more details then others may be able to help you out better, but this does not mean that you should forget about seeing the specialist. A few points to make could be: a) where EXACTLY is the pain? Under the kneecap? Above? Below? Back of the knee? Deep inside? etc.
b) What activities aggravate the pain? Running, jumping, climbing stairs (up or down?), leg extensions, squats, etc.
c)Is there a lack of stability in your knee? Does it feel weak/wobble/feel like it will give out?
d)Are the crunching noises coming from your knee? With what activities?
BE SPECIFIC. Detail is good.
About two weeks ago, the pain started; it hurts after heavy squats; the heavier I go, the more it hurts. Last week it really hurt, so I made that a light session. This week I went heavy, but didn’t push it and it didn’t hurt too bad.
I’m hoping in two weeks the pain/injury/whatever will subside.
Description: After heavy set, the pain hurts under my knee cap. It does not hurt to squat. The pain comes after the set is complete, about a minute later and so on. Last week it was a throbbing pain that got worse (throbbed more) after each set. This week the pain was not as bad. However, I’ve been taking Aleve (anti-inflammatory) about once or twice a day for almost two weeks.
Aggravating activities: Running can aggravate the pain. Leg extensions do not aggravate, and sometimes decrease/hide the pain (I don’t know why).
Conclusion: This week, my knee really hasn’t been hurting as bad, not like last week. The idea was to take it light next week, then the week after go heavy.
Thanks for the replies. Based on common sense and the replies, I probably should go see someone. Based on what I just wrote, what do you guys think (if it’s even wise say something based on the above)? The pain is getting better by the week. Of course, that could just be the naproxen and ibuprofen I’ve been taking constantly.
The question is who? I haven’t been to a doctor in ages. I don’t even know how to schedule an appointment. Would a college university doctor’s office or something like that work? Does the person have to be sports affiliated?
Anyway, thanks for the replies.