I’m a little depressed. I’ve neglected my legs for a while when I first began training. They’ve always been a weak point of mine because of this as well as being tall.
Anyways I finally got my shit together and began a pretty grueling yet effective leg regiment.
At the start I would always get sore knees when I would begin hack squats. However, after a few warm up sets I would be fine and no pain would be present.
I developed a slight pain last year because I was obsessed with dunking a basketball and would do so often. Stupid, yes, did I care, well not at the time. So recently I was testing my jump and hurt my knee pretty bad. I will never be jumping again until I have this issue under control. It was stupid but that’s not the point of this thread.
With that being said it’s been 8 days since this and I have not attempted to train legs because my knee hurts on a regular basis. Today I woke up with a sharp pain in my knee and it’s been hurting on and off ever since, especially if I squat deep or flex my quad. It even hurts when I’m walking (both knees hurt but the left more than the right)…
I’ve done my research and self-diagnosed myself with patellar tendonitis or jumpers knee.
I have a few choices.
A. Ease back into training legs and ignore the pain.
B. Wait to train legs when the pain is gone.
C. See my chiro or a sports doctor immediately and get this squared up.
I have a serious issue with not going to the gym to train, so it’s hard to even think about not training my legs especially after getting my strength up quite a bit in the last 6 months.
I was looking for anyone that has dealt with an issue similar to mine or knows about this condition and what you did to help remedy it or what you think I should do.
I’ll also be ordering knee sleeves for any further leg training.
Thanks in advance guys.