Free Programs Raw PLing / BBing

Credentials: 100kg Fake Natty who lives in the gym and likes spreadsheets and reading.

A lot of people post threads asking for a program for this and that and I will be honest I really dont agree with a lot of what is being recommended.

I build a lot of programs I usually just throw out and I love helping people so I minds well share them.

General Principles:

-Frequency, Tonnage and Compound Lifts are scientifically proven to be superior to other methods so the programming is based with that in mind.

-Balance keeps a body Healthy which aids Progression (immensely)

These programs are generally aimed at Beginners to Advanced looking to make the most progress they can in the shortest amount of time. If you are Elite or have other special considerations (injuries or otherwise) then maybe these programs will not be for you or you may have to adapt them a bit.

If you have questions please dont hesitate to ask, if you want a particular program made ask. Aside from helping people I would like feed back.

This is a constant work in progress and as I add programs I will bump this with a screen shot or what ever.


No where to add my own max numbers?

You want to write me a dark horse program? From alpha’s. Video?

Cant open google dox at work :frowning:

I’ll vouch for ya! The program you wrote for me has been going great (modified version of the “MY 5/3/1” tab - only DL once/week). Strength gains have been consistent. I’m looking forward to following your peaking protocol and seeing where I can end up once I hit the platform.

I like the looks of your “Offseason #1” template, but I’m looking forward to decreasing my frequency after my competition for a little while. At least drop it down to 4 sessions/week.


Thank you!!

Most of the Programs can go to Lower Upper Split (twice a week for 4 days) and I consider the other 3 days optional.

EDIT: check out Beginner 531 You could probably do that as assistance work to Strongman Training.

You should be able to make a copy of any of the docs you want and then edit them.

And I will take a look at Alpha’s video.

Phone app works but is limited.


Omg those colors, my eyes!

Lol, good stuff, man!

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Could you try uploading the file on TN instead of Google docs?

Is that possible?

*Tried to download as excel file and it’s not the correct format…

I dont even know what this is hahahaa, sorry

I am pretty bad when it comes to technology tbh. And I do think there is a way to convert Excel to Sheets but you could also copy and paste and with a little rewriting be good to go.

I wrote down what he showed in the video but after that I think you should go to Brian.


Olympic LIfting: Clueless

Strongman: Slightly Less Clueless but still.

Crossfit: I think they have an app for that. If you want safer versions of circuits though I do have a ton of those if I can find them. The only major difference is that I dont program Oly Lifts for cardio because I think the risk / reward vs safer exercise selection is worth it.

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TN I meant T-NATION. If you click reply and look at all the tools (where the Quote Bold Emphasis tools are) a couple more to the right it says UPLOAD.
Try doing that and uploading the excel doc. If this doesn’t work ill have to find another way…

Oh, I meant it was a format you couldn’t load onto T-Nation. It works fine and you can download any google sheet as an excel file I believe pretty easily.

Ah sorry I dont have excel. Give me a brief rundown of what you are looking for and I will post some screen shots. I have been meaning to do that anyways.

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I’m good. I copied it over to google docs without any problems.

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Infinity Yolo Program:
Truthfully not much different than my 531 Program BUUUT it goes about it differently (performance based rather than Percentage).


Volume (Sub Maximal) vs Max Effort for Power from an Anecdotal Perspective:

Personally I have never gotten a lot out of sub maximal volume work. If that volume work pushed me towards the higher RPEs then yes I think I got something out of it.

The best thing for my strength has been AMRAPs in the 5-12 Rep range where the last couple reps were slowing down but form was good. (I consider this RPE7-8).

There are some obvious draw backs. You need to stop sets before form breaks down (safety) and auto regulate your AMRAPs to not take them when you dont feel like you can (also safety).

Obviously this strategy will work much better the lighter you and the weights are because your recovery will be so much faster and easier.

I think the biggest issue I had last year was making the transition through that thresh hold where constant blunt force was no longer a practical option. Now I am using selective Blunt Force (auto regulating better).

But I also think any version of work is better than no work (frequency) and this is where Sub Maximal work comes in.


I also think taking these sets to near failure is a more efficient way to make muscle gains. I think it is important to increase the reps and sets though.


Why I think it is subtoptimal and when I think it is acceptable to program it:

Do you make the best gains learning to ride the bike or riding that bike up the mountain?

If you are trying to get good at riding a bike can running possibly increase your bike abilities? Will that time and effort be more effectively spent riding a bicycle or running?

But I have a Quad injury that doesnt allow me to Ride a bike but I can still run safely and pain free.

But I know that if I run I will prevent an injury from riding a bike.

But I am just super bored of riding a bike.

That was the Short Version…LONG VERSION:

Conjugation is Muscle Confusion but for PLing.

Muscles dont work differently. They do the same job they have evolved over millions of years to do each and every single time.

So doing something like a Board Press or Dips you arent working different muscles or getting the muscles to do anything but what they have evolved to do. The Chest is Still pressing, the Triceps is still extending the Elbow and the Delt is still getting injured (jk, hopefully…keep those elbows in people)

You may change what percentage of work each muscle is doing. Like in the Board Press that part of the ROM does use a higher percentage of Triceps than what a ful ROM would. But you know what works even more Triceps than a partial ROM? A longer ROM.

WHERE and HOW I implement Conjugations:

Basically I use it to adjust the workload for what can be recovered from.

Assistance: After the Comp work is done and if you are too exhausted or you wont be able to recover from more of the main lift but you can do some Partial ROM work. Lets say your shoulders are fried but you still want more volume. OK, add in that Board Press to take some stress off the shoulders.

Increasing Frequency: I will always baseline Squat, Bench, Pullups and Barbell Rows 2x a week and Deads 1x a week regardless of your goals.Lets say you want to Deadlift a 2nd day but you just cant recover from it. Then how about RDLs, Box Deadlifts, Trap bar Deadlifts or Pause Deadlifts. All of those will either be lighter in weight or a more favorable ROM to recover from. For a 3rd bench probably some variation of a dumbell press. For Squats, Pause Squats or Front Squats.

If you cant recover from that baseline then there is something wrong and in order: Injury, Form, Head (you think overtraining is a thing) or Program (8 bazillion sets)

Prehab/Rehab: Coming back from an injury maybe you cant Squat but you can Belt Squat. Maybe you find if you keep up on Front Squats your mobility is better and you stay healthier.

You are just FKN BORED OK, this happens even to me Mr. Boring All Day ERDAY himself. If you are in prep, suck it up. If not then do what you want.

The Muscle Confusion Phenomenon:

People who frequently change exercise selection always note the great gains they are getting. Simply put they are learning to ride a bike over and over again.

The mind is adding new wiring to more efficiently execute the movement. I believe the technical term is Learning Motor Patterns.

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Ahhh a favorite of mine.

Reps. So Max 8s would be get 8 reps at a weight and add weigh next workout.

Hypothetically if you do max 8s you should start at your 10-15 rep max (65-75% of 1RM) and in that situation you have a couple options.

You could do 1 huge AMRAP (i do this on my uninspired days) OR you could do 8 rep sets until you fail to get 8 reps (when I want some extra puishment). For a 12-15 rep max that is probably around 3-4 sets of 8.

If you have any other questions I am here. Also I posted this in the other thread because I think it will be a common question.


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This one might need some critiquing (more than the rest). I never use RPE because honestly I can not auto regulate myself. I always go to RPE8+ so I also never program with it.

Today I gave it a try and tbh it is a lot easier than any other form of periodization from programmer’s perspective…or maybe I butchered it so have at it:

I also just realized RPE is an awesome solution to fluctuating strength levels say if some one were using “supplementation”. I am probably going to try to run RPE for my offseason BBing phase.


EDIT: Adjusted day 2 to be a heavier day.


I just noticed this. Very cool of you. I saw how @littlesleeper progressed and he was already very strong. Thanks!


Thank you!!! Just trying to help. And Little Sleeper helped me way more than I helped him.

I am going over that (and some other preps) and seeing some places where my prep needs to be better…mainly Bench. So stay tuned and I should have a Taper Video coming out soon…ish.

RPE UPDATE: This is also coming soon. I keep tinkering trying to get a better feel of heavy and light days and how to incorporate them into a prep using RPE.

In the end I think I like 1 RPE day and the other day as a Linear Progression.


I need to dig into these. My goals are always simple: less fat and more muscle, so I’m always up for experimenting.

Really thoughtful of you to share out work