Hey guys. Dealing with a knee injury and cant squat for the next few months. Wrote up a program until squatting is an option. Im usually a Powerlifter/Olympic Lifter but im working on upper body hypertrophy, increasing my press and maintaining/ increasing my deadlift. Its based off an 8 Day Cycle since thats what my work schedule allows. Here’s the program:
Day 1
ME Bench Variation: 3-5RM then -20% for 3x5
DB Bench- 4x12
Incline DB Fly- 4x12
Cable Crossover- 4x12
Tricep Pushdown- 5x10
Day 2
Barbell Row- 5x5
Lat Pulldown- 4x12
Cable Row- 4x12
DB Row-3x8
Cable Curl- 5x10
Day 3
Dynamic Bench Press- 5x3 @ 40/45/50% (3 Week Wave) + Mini Band
Overhead Press- 4x10-12
Lateral Dumbell Rasie- 4x12
Face Pulls- 4x12
Shrugs- 4x12
Upright Row- 4x12
Day 4
EZ Bar Curl- 3x10
Skull Crushers- 3x10
DB Hammer Curls- 3x10
Overhead Cable Ext.- 3x10
Preacher Curl- 3x10
Rope Pushdown- 3x10
Day 5
Deadlift Variation- 5x2 @ 60% then 3-5RM
RDL- 4x6
Leg Extension- 4x12
Back Raises- 5x10
Standing Calf Raise- 4x25
Seated Calf Raise- 4x25
Day 6/7/8
Rest/Light Conditioning
Any feedback you guys have would be great. Thanks!
Ill never understand this lots of volume idea. And I really don’t understand your set/rep scheme. And your arms (small muscles) are taking the majority of the work…
Increasing the amount of volume you can recover from is a great way to increase strength and muscle mass. Sadly, the recovery aspect seems to get missed.
around 200 reps a work out. And most of them on a small muscle. Sorry, I understand what you are saying, but you must work your way there and not thru the biceps and triceps.
I know his knees are healing, but really? reminds me a of M&F article from the 90’s.
He would be better of using a full body, three times a week, do what doesnt hurt and work on healing.
I feel it would be a good idea to look at what other injured powerlifters have done while recovering. Th3Pwnisher has a log on this site with information on this.