how do you do a correct face pull? i came across the issue, that when doing a face pull, that i tend to lean backwards, because the heavy weight will pull me forward. is that ok? leaning backwards? or should i use less weight so that can stand straight? or will the lower weight not get me any results?
Face the pulley, pull the handle towards your face.
I dont think there is one correct way, slightly different angles would only hit those same muscles slightly different. So it dosent really matter in the long run.
Do them seated in a cable row station with a double rope attachment. Keep your palms facing outward and pull the ropes toward your ears. Keep your spine neutral and your back straight. As Uber N3wb said, a bit of lean in either direction is fine as it will target different areas but don’t lean so far back that your traps are taking the load. You should feel it primarily in the rear delts and rhomboids.