Doing lunges and step-ups this week and last, I realised how much I hate that kind of one-legged work. I always seem to run out of breath and lose my balance before I fatigue my muscles thoroughly, and the leg I work second always gets less of a workout! Seriously, when picking exercises myself, there are NEVER any lunges.
how gay is it to use 30s for lateral raises when i could use 60s for front raises.
i generally like the exercises no one else does
i like to squat, dead and bench
squatting is only not fun when you have to do more than 8 reps. those 20 reps are brutal. triples are fun cause theyre like rep numbers 5,12 and 18 of a 20 rep; only the last one is really bad.
[quote]G87 wrote:
Doing lunges and step-ups this week and last, I realised how much I hate that kind of one-legged work. I always seem to run out of breath and lose my balance before I fatigue my muscles thoroughly, and the leg I work second always gets less of a workout! Seriously, when picking exercises myself, there are NEVER any lunges.
So, what are some exercises you guys hate?[/quote]
i hear what your saying. I suck at unilateral leg work, and so many coach’s here tell you to do the things you hate doing cause you’ll get the best gains with those. however i am just not sure. Like you said i often will lose my balance with heavier weight, and if i use a lighter weight i really don’t feel much muscle fatigue at all compared to when i squat. In the end though my goals all boil down to being big and i think getting strong is just going to come with the territory.
As for exercises i don’t like, ill have to say dumbbell bench presses. its not that i don’t want to do them, its that whenever i see a bodybuilder on you tube doing them he manages to keeps the dumbbells moving in a smooth flawless motion. when i do them with heavy weight i struggle to keep them from wobbling around on the way up and down. Not sure how to correct this to be honest.
Another thing i dislike is working your triceps with free weights. for some crazy reason i never really feel the pump and muscle fatigue i get when i work my biceps with free weights. which makes me feel like i am not working them as hard. i been thinking about switching over to cable exercises for the triceps but there are a ton of different variations not sure which to pick. Any suggestions on ones you guys tried and liked?
I get frustrated/bored doing stuff like calf raises that aren’t “major” lifts. Boredom and impatience are my worst psychological enemies, I don’t think I really hate doing anything.
Lateral Raises
Bicep-pose-crossover-cable-curl-thing - seriously, what the hell is this called?
They are the only ones that come to mind right now. [/quote]
there called high cable curls, as for hated exercises; walking lunges, decline bb bench, rope rolls( for forearms, feels like someones stabbing them), incline db flyes, ab rollers.