Eating more but not wasting more

We all know that you need to eat more calories than you expend, but there comes a point when you start consuming more calories than you can DIGEST, not just break down, but actually absorb through the intestines for use by your body. Now, that break even point between useful and wasteful is going to be different for each individual, but my question is this: Can you condition your body to digest more nutrients? Or, is there a supplement that can be taken with each meal to assist in the digestion process to maximize the benefit of each gram of food ingested?

The first step would be to split the cals into 6 or 7 meals a day. Not sure how well digestive aides work though. I’ve heard mixed reviews.

It’s not a matter of digestion. Your body will digest about 98% of whatever you can take in. You dont see undigested chicken coming out of you. It’s more a matter of absorption and utilization. Just wanted to clarify. I think that a gradual increase in calories would systematically increase your abilities.

Enzymes: take enzyme pills, eat fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. This will help make sure you digest everything properly.
This (not digesting) happens all the time, it’s not really a function of quantity of food but rather quality. If you don’t eat much raw food, and instead eat lots of things like chips, candy, well done meat, etc, you might have some undigested food going through, which after 40 years or so leads to things like diverticulitus. A book I really like is “Beating Cancer with Nutrition” (no it doesn’t say don’t go to the doctor) it has lots of references and evidence to back it up, and talks about the effects different nutrients have on your body.

like hell !!.. not all the corn you eat gets digested… :slight_smile:

Supposedly NO2 says that it can help nutrient absortion. I read up on it and am still unsure if it is the real thing or marketing BS. If anyone knows chime in on this one. Thanx.