Decimation Food Log

Today’s food
Ham sandwiches
Apple , green tea
Two seal bars small Aldi chocolate biscuits

After you guys input
1 piece of bread and a tin of curried mackerel.

Hazelnut coffee earlier

Should be ok until next morning.

Gotta cut out the bread.

Weight around 18 stone 2 in day according to scales.
Aiming at 16 stone for wedding.
14 stone by September

Did some shopping bought more mackerel
Some homous
On 7,000 steps hope to hit 10000 before bed.

Made 10,000 . About 5,000 were up and downstairs carrying wood

Second Tin of mackerel

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Cauliflower rice with pesto sauce and
Two soft boiled eggs
1 cup hazelnut coffee

Same meal again.

Two small bananas
1 soft boiled egg.
1 piece of bread and humous

Two sausages
Boiled potatoes
Mushy peas

Frozen berries defrosted

5000 plus steps

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Breakfast small banana
Cauliflower rice in siracha sauce mackerel
Hazelnut coffee

Tea lunch
Another tin of mackerel
1 piece of bread with humous.

2 decaf coffees

Mixed berries and almonds

Might try some boiled eggs later

Did not eat eggs

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Mackerel tin
2 pièces of toast with margarine

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Been pretty good. Few little cheats here and there.
Lots of fruits and nuts , eggs,meat etc .

Got 29 days left for the wedding.
Planning to lose about 15 lb.

I have been doing lots of work on my house.
Knocking the plasterboard off the ceiling and denailing the timber joists . The denailing is taking ages.

I have decided to paint my weights again.
I have had to leave the weights out to the elements.

I have a cheaper bumper set 150 kg and few Weider 20 , 15 ,10. And a few fives
Also a few one inch standard plates.

I bought all purpose grey concrete effect spray.
Looks good so far. Not sure how well it will work on the rubber plates . But it has to be better than no paint. Plus it stains my clothes with running paint at the moment.

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In 30 days?


Yes about 4 pound per week.

Painted some played . Spray paint from supermarket was ok but ran out quickly . Spray mechanism was dodgy too . I have gone over the top with car spray paint. Very cheap. Gives a nice finish.

I do have black and red metal paint for a brush. Finding it is another matter lol.

Breakfast rice cakes and ham low calories
Coffee hazelnut

Hour gym workout. Single side press left arm injured

Kb bottom press fail with 32 kg managed clean
Kb but 24 kg X 3
8 kg X 10 all on right
Presses dB with right arm
20 X 10
30 X 10
38 X 5 with an additional push press
36 X 6
34 X10
Clea. 46 kg dB was hard today.

dB tricep extension 16 X 10 18 X6/7 20 X 1 stupid really. Starting to like this exercise though.

Farmers walks 30 s grip weak today
38s , 38s , 46s ,
dB high pull 54 kg with straps X 3 worse than last time.

Kb bup fail with 32 kg again.
Kb squats with 8 kg s x 10
24 kg X 6
16 kg X 10
I find this movement challenging. Probably not good. Flexibility required a slightly wider stance but I dB clean with a narrower stance. May not carryover well

Curls with right arm plus throw and catch
2 kg , 10 kg , 16 too heavy too tired.

Hoping the left arm will heal soon . I have good range of motion but it still hurts when I press and bend the arm in towards me.
Will see a doctor soon.

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Do you foresee such an aggressive pace being possible with


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This seems pretty aggressive givin the history on this log. What is your plan? It seems like you string a couple decent days together but then back to bad habits.
This type of diet takes a solid plan and strict adherence to it.


It worked to get down from 19 7 to 18 .00. I will need to be stricter though for sure .

Any constructive feedback welcome.
First session of barbell press
Been working on my press with dumbbells. Can double press the 36 kg for one , roughly 80 lb. Hopefully barbell press will go up in coming weeks.

Not completely strict , cannot do a front rack. Ties with my best press from my twenties,
Albeit I was only 92.5 kg be then.

I am hoping to get it to 100 kg. I think I have a little more in me than 90 kg . Failed 92 .5 kg but was tired by then.


Made a few rep pbs.
Barbell pressed didn’t go so well though.

Had first long workout in a while.
DBs presses , cleans
Barbell presses
High pulls barbell
Zombie front squats to 90 kg
Front squats 100 kg X 3
Too tired to continue

Bit sore in legs and abs today as expected.


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Any news on the weight loss?

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Gained a bit unfortunately , still a bit less than my previous weight loss. I was 115 kg now I’m 120 kg down from 125 kg.
My doctor has had a few words . So I will be back on it from now.
I can only drink water and herbal teas now with odd carbonated lemonade no caffeine.

Bit disappointed in.myself lately.

Any reason the goal swapped from weight loss to rep prs?

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It’s a fairly new exercise to me. No reason really.
I don’t use weights for conditioning. Had some bereavements and ill health in the family and obviously the wedding. Hospital visiting etc. Still need to prioritise my health.

I do enjoy going for pbs every now and then though.

I have been using 8 reps for a while in the press . Just testing the waters a little with the conservative pbs Substituting from a barbell to dumbbells has been a game changer for me. I can use full range with dumbbells.

I usually try to get to 10 reps and then go up in weight.
Think my technique is improving on the dumbbell clean. So will add in jerks soon to get more in more volume.
Hoping to get 100 kg barbell press and clean and press the 40s. I believe I can do this while losing weight.

Just so I understand, you have no reason to chase rep PRs, several reasons to chase weight loss goals, and right now you are getting those rep prs and not the weight loss goals?


Point taken