Decimation Food Log

No point: wanting to make sure I understand

Yes I suppose you are right. Itā€™s fun hitting bigger weights though. Are the two goals mutually exclusive though?

What are your thoughts on that given your experience?

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I think diet is key really . I do tend to eat more when I deadlift or squat but mostly exercise is secondary.

Adding the 10,000 steps per day did help a lot and I got fitter. Tend to get bad feet , so would substitute for stationary bike or elliptical trainer for some steps.

Making it to the gym is key too at least 2-3 times per week. I can workout at home at a push though.

Keep a rep or two in reserve often. Got a fairly serious arm injury for 6 is mostly fine now.

You wrote that diet is key and then went on to discuss training for the rest of the post. Do you find that interesting?

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I suppose training, good or bad has been part of my life for many years. Dieting has not. I dieted down a few times once to 180 lb but always end up gaining weight again. It is almost like being bigger and well I suppose fatter has become part of my identity.
Plus I am worried I will lose a lot of strength as I get a lot smaller. It doesnā€™t seem to happen to begin with.

You havenā€™t demonstrated an ability to do this yet. This is akin to worry about how you will pay the taxes if you win the lottery.

I would worry about succeeding before I worry about the consequences of success


Breakfast - 1 decaf coffee
2 pieces of toast plus tin a spicy mackerel filets
1 banana

1 green lemon flavour
No caffeine

Lunch / snack
Homemade sourdough bread small amount with
1 decaf coffee

Braeburn apple
1 glass squash

Actively drinking less . I have been overdrinking.
6 glasses per day is what I aiming for

20 min walk

Tea / dinner
spicy mackerel filets
Two pieces of white bread
Large bowl of berries .
Small amount of clotted cream

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Breakfast - tuna sandwich with margarine
1 decaf coffee

Coke decaf

1 burger with a bun . Was out got caught hungry will plan better next time.

Had a go on a punch machine. Did marginally worse than on my honeymoon. 878 this time versus 892 last time.
No walk on beach due to weather.

Steak sandwich
Decaf coffee

Need more veggies . Will go shopping.

Decaf working fairly well.

Homemade chickpea curry
Apple braeburn

Berries small bowl
Decaf coffee

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Breakfast small amount of gammon
With one slice of white bread

Workout - warmup double clean 32 kg X 5 , X 3
38 fail xx , 36 fail xx close

Not feeling it probably breakfast too small

Zombie squats 40 , 60 , 80 , 90 X 3
Zs 100 kg X 1
FS 100 X 3
110 kg X 1 fatigued felt hard

Coming slowly bit better than last time

Did some Lee Boyce lat stretches

Bp 60 X 10 , 100 X 3 quit

Lunch tuna sandwich
Plus decaf tea

2 decaf coffee
Two sandwich chicken plus frozen vegetables

Pasta tomato cheese bake average portion homemade

Lemonade glass

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Breakfast - banana , decaf coffee, piece of bread and 3 chicken slices

Cherry tea fortified
1 green tea without caffeine
Small cherry yoghurt not good

Lunch chicken slices and frozen vegetables mix

Berries frozen mix
Workout between shopping 30 min

dB press 30 X 5
Bench press 100 X 8 hard
100 X 9 hard
110 X 3 comfortable
100 X 8 last rep slightly assisted hard
Carbonated water

dB press right X 5 a lot of bending

Kb bup 16 rvx 5 X l 10 kg l
32 kg fail managed clean

Tea - chiick pea curry
3 slices of bread and cheese

One banana
1 small Joghurt
1 banana
1 decaf coffee

18 stone 8 this morning clothed

1 hour gardening cutting through brambles with shears

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Cheese on toast 2 pieces
1 decaf coffee

Am workout warmed up
Zombie squats triples
40,60, 80 , 90 , 95, 100 X 2
40 60 70 80, 90 X 1
1 litre of water at gym too much

Punch bag no gloves 1,2 2 mins
Built up to 90% power

Dumbbell hold in place grip largely gone from gardening yesterday
38,42 count 30

Frozen berries mix

Lunch - pasta Chicken salad and bacon
Around 450 Calories
Banana 1
Green tea

Decaf coffee
Cheese bread roll

Chilli peanuts serving with bowl of frozen mix vegetables
Jazz apple

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2 small cheese rolls
Bowl of frozen berries

1 decaf coffee

Aldi protein bar
Not great tasted good though low sugar

Chickpea curry with frozen vegetable mix

Chicken sandwich

Jacket potato can of tuna and mayonnaise

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18 stone 6 1/2 morning

Homemade pancakes sourdough

Crashed in workout

Bp 100 X 8 x7 90x 3

Did mobility work From.lee Boyce

Want to Programm 3 days lifting per week

With front squat
Dumbbell clean and press
I struggle doing 3 squat sessions per week. Too much for my knees and doing both exercises in the same session.i donā€™t think a break between sessions is realistic. So I might do

Mon fs

Wed press db

Fri. Fs BP at 60 percent

Pulled pork plus high protein wraps 2 wraps.


Sourdough pancakes? How were they and where did you get the ingredients from/how did you cook them? Iā€™d like to give that a go.

My sister made them .Iā€™ll try and get you the recipe.
But you have to make a sourdough culture.

They taste ok with a bit of a sourdough kick.
The high protein wraps are Aldi - 9 g of protein per wrap.

Breakfast - banana

Two cheese wraps
Found the left over pulled pork after. Had a little.

Bread and two sausages


Decaf coffee earlier

Pulled pork with frozen vegetables mix
1 sausage

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Cheers dude! Bread doesnā€™t agree with me much, but sourdough seems mostly okay. Iā€™ll give these a try.

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Porridge with cinnamon
Decaf coffee
Minced meat spag boll sauce rice mixed vegetables mix
Cherry herbal tea

Rhubarbe mixed in with apple and cinnamon
Chicken sandwich

Tuna and mixed vegetables

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