Decimation Food Log

Warm up
Cleaned 30 s only one rep .
I have strained my left tricep

Tried to double clean 38 kg failed . Hit my chest.

Did DB chest presses instead
36 X 10
40 X 10
44 X 7

Tired. Feel knackered today.

Sold my anvil.
Need to get to front of house. Difficult lol.

Not sure why I missed it technique or strength. I suppose it’s never clear cut though.

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solid effort. you’ll get it next time. nice to see you back logging.

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Sold my anvil. It’s going to be fun getting it from the front garden to the back garden .

Got anvil from back garden to porch by sliding it on rubber mats . Took me about an hour . Knackered now. Forgotten how hard pushing and dragging is, even felt sick for a while.

That’s my exercise for the day.

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Stepped on scales in morning 18 stone 6 .Ouch .
6 weeks until wedding.
Would be happy to lose a stone possibly 2.
Between 14-28 lb.

Will focus on good habits
Plus walking.
Going to food log.

Some diet lemonade
2 chocolate digestives 81 , 81 cal

Will get high protein intake.

Blog is make myself accountable to me.
Previously was no goodies here not possible at the moment, so I will have to avoid.
I have diabetes but it is /was in remission.

I cannot simply starve completely or my blood sugar will go too low.
Aiming for around 1500 cals again.

Stupid decision already with the chocolate digestives.
Going back to bed for a few hours.

1 toast 84 cal
1 small tin mackerel 252 cal per 125 g tin
1 cup of tea

2 ham sandwiches with margarine

One steak slice
6 jelly babies

Eaten much less today. Obviously need to improve choices
Chicken fajitas without bread
Piece of chocolate cake damn.

7 000 plus steps.

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What motivation would drive you to do this?

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I think seeing some results. My arms do look a little bigger from the dumbbell presses and some bicep work .

I have improved a bit on the diet today…

Should do better tomorrow. It was forming habits that was effective for me a few months ago. It took about a week to get going properly then.

Obviously I have the motivation to lose some my waist for the wedding.

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You must forgive me but, from an outsider perspective, this isn’t obvious

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Breakfast apple, banana, green tea

Gym workout
Single dumbbell presses but light curls

16, 20 , 30 X 10
32 X 6 34 X 6 40 X 4 all right side

Double cleans 30 , 32 ,34

Left arm very light work.

Tricep extensions with 16 kg X 6 2 sets

Kb bup. 20 , 24 , 28 kg right side

Left arm not great still

Damn corned beef pasty

Meatballs in pasta sauce few chips
Berries small amount of custard
Protein bar 0.5 g sugar Aldi
Lentil crisps small packet

1 bottle of 0.5 percent cider

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Respectfully, these are not the diet decisions of someone who wants to lose weight.

You know what my diet looks like?

4 hard boiled eggs w/ hot sauce

6oz chicken breast, 1 small kiwi

12oz chicken breast w/ low or 0cal sauce
1/4cup jasmine rice + mushrooms to fill space
+broccoli or grean beans to fill

^This is not fun, but it is productive. I suggest you divorce the need for enjoyment from the need to eat. Food is fuel, not fun.


You are right, of course you are. I am trying to improve gradually.

Been a bit better today
Still a fair bit of bread though.

Managed a good clean rep with kettlebell bup with the 32 kg. So I was happy with that.
Did some dB presses , tricep extensions, dB flat bench press.
Will incorporate double KB squats soon.

Been up and down stairs a lot of the day moving wood, clearing house read for electrician.

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What are you doing to accomplish this?
What conscious decisions are you making daily to move towards your goal?
What is your plan, and how far do you think you need to move the needle to get from where you are now - to where you want to be?

nice work

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Very far. I have lost control of the kitchen. I find it hard to resist the food when it is there.
I can not buy it. Also I am lazy when it comes to cooking.

I will make better decisions today. Done quite a bit physically today. So it would be a shame to waste that.

I looking to get down about 2 stone in 6 weeks 28 lb

How? What strategy are you going to employ to ensure your success?

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Eat fruit and vegetables and less no more chocolate .

I have eaten an apple. I still have frozen vegetables
Also I have stopped drinking a lot of coffee on the advice of my doctor.

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That’s a goal: not a strategy. You’re not achieving this goal, and I imagine it’s because you don’t have a strategy.

What strategy are going to employ such that, when given the choice between fruit or chocolate, you pick fruit?

You need to consider meal prepping.

It’s easy to make unhealthy food because it’s usually faster and/or the same amount of effort as making healthy food… when you’re hungry, you’re just going to pick the tastier and faster food.

If you have food already prepared (meal prep), throw it in the microwave for 3 minutes and your food is ready. Its MUCH easier to stay on track that way.


Honestly I don’t know. Perhaps look in the mirror . Consider my wedding day .

Thanks that’s a good idea.
I will eat some almonds later

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It doesn’t look like either one of those has been successful so far. It would seem you need to find another strategy.

Right now, eating chocolate is winning compared to being less fat and looking better for your future bride.


So what WILL be better than eating chocolate?

If the answer is “nothing”, it’d be better to just eat the chocolate.

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