Lately I’ve been getting a much better leg workout from trap-bar deadlifts or conventional deadlifts than squats. In addition, the back growth I get from deadlifts is much greater than what I get from squatting. Can one focus only on deadlift variations and still experience decent leg growth? Or are squats a must?
I don’t remember exactly which livespill I saw this from, but I think you could try doing a trap bar deadlift from a podium.
I believe that the new position requires you to “squat” the weight, without barbell squatting. “Squatting” meaning that you wouldn’t hinge at the hips much, if at all. It would be a much more knee dominant exercise.
Also, from reading Ben Bruno’s latest article and livespill ( Finding Your Big 3 Lifts ), try belt squats as well.
Thanks, Colbstar. I’ll check those articles out.