[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
So I started taking this for my joints.
Did very little bit of reading today. WIKI says that it’s a phytoestrogen.
other hairloss forums said it downregulates Androgen Receptors.
and another website said it was effective against fighting breast cancer in a similar way that Tamoxifen.
As some people may know I’m currently in a battle to raise my testosterone and lower my estrogen as well as control cortisol.
So what gives? Is this bad for your t:e ratio or what?[/quote]
This, and a few other threads of yours are showing a pattern. You seem to be rather high-strung. Your avatar shows a guy who obviously has spent a decent amount of time in the gym, yet your posts come across as a newb’s would.
I think you are sweating over small stuff. I would imagine that mega high-doses of curcumin would have some negative effect, but overall it’s probably a non-issue.
I think you might try some relaxation techniques, or perhaps meditation, etc.
I mean this in all sincerity. You might be becoming your own worst enemy.
If I am out of line, I apologize.
lol im not paulie, but i know exactly where hes coming from. for a guy who eats right, tracking his calories, and busting his ass in the gym to not have the body he wants just doesnt sit right.
threads like this asking supplement questions are just trying to get to the bottom of shitty hormonal problems like high cortisol, estrogen and low testosterone.
it seems high strung, but its more a thirst for knowledge lol.