About 11 months ago my body went from 108lbs (Im 5’6) of lean muscles to a hormone/weight nightmare. I probably had been over training for a while but last summer was the breaking point. I was training 6 days at the gym, running about 250km/month and for fun I would kayak or mountain bike.
It all came to a halt when my nutritionist put me on an elimination diet to rule out foods that may be causing bloating in my stomach (a problem I had been having for years.) This sent my body into overload and in one month I put on 25lbs, I stoped getting my period (which I still do not have), started breaking out, feeling depressed, having night sweats.
After seeing my doc several times (and them telling me not to worry)I saw a hormone specialist. He found that I now have low testosterone,low DHEA, extremely low progesterone and now have hypothyroidism. I now take desiccated thyroid as well as bio identical hormones. I am 30years old and now have 25lbs that no matter what ive done i cannot loose!!! I recently had blood work and it came back better so why cant i loose even one pound?
I went from a lean fat burning body to one I dont recognized. I refuse to accept this is the new me, yet I dont know how to eat, how much, of what? I use to just eat clean and was able to have a 1x/week cheat meal. Now that isnt working. I dont know how to train, how often, intensity because again…this is a new body for me.
Ive tried 2xs a day cardio, i tried 4 weeks off ive tried heavy weights ive tried low weight high reps. Im totally lost ad would love some guidance. Thank you! Below is a before pic