The Prize
First person to film themselves attempting this (pass or fail) gets a free item of T Nation apparel (US48 only).
The Challenge
Do an inverted row variation, then go directly into push-ups. Every 60 seconds (every minute on the minute), do:
10 Inverted Rows
10 Push-Ups
You’ll accumulate about 30 seconds of total work if you’re able to do all of this without stopping. That’ll give you 30 seconds of rest before the top of the next minute.
Repeat this sequence for 10 rounds, totaling 100 reps per exercise.
Here’s Jason Brown showing what one round looks like:
Note: If needed, convert MOV to MP4 with THIS. Or post your video on YouTube (unlisted) and paste in the link.
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Will we get a winner here? Who’s gonna step up?!
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Is there a waiting period before we can win more swag if we already won one?
I really like this shirt!
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Ok I gave this a try. I’ve been a fan of T Nation for YEARS and lurk daily, but thought I should give this a go. Now, I failed for sure, but I will say I had a great workout in a quick fashion, and was able to try something I have wanted to do for quite a while (EMOM bodyweight). Thank you T Nation for the great new tool in my arsenal for when life is busy.
Awesome! Thanks for delurking and giving this a shot! We’ll shoot you a message soon so you can go shopping in the T Nation store.
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Whoo hoo! Thank you Chris!
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Great job!
I tried this morning and made 5x5x6 EMOM
My calves cramped up just watching you do those rows 
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Thanks ChickenLittle. Sounds like you did great! They definitely hurt, feeling it today. I knew that was going to be tough but that short rest definitely sneaks up on you quicker than I thought.
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Great job! Love the rings
Not to be a party pooper: these EMOM style work-outs are great, and I use them regularly for OLY and most of my training. However, IMHO they should be used extremely infrequently as a challenge or test. years ago I used to do a GVT program in a similar fashion: 10x10 for many exercises, usually paired as shown here (albeit, each exercise in separate minutes), including ring rows and pull-ups.
In summary I developed an impingement around the top lat insertion point which troubles me to this day. The volume is just too much to be done regularly.
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I want the shirt off the guy in the video…he did 9 inverted!