by Jim Wendler
Extreme Training Demands Extreme Results
I spent a ton of time developing this program and believe it stands as my best work, ever.
I could have presented you with something sooner, but nothing this good. Twenty weeks of “brick upon brick” programming is not easy as each phase has to build on the other.
I may not be the best, but there’s a short list ahead of me. Yes, I’m that cocky, but I believe there are two things this business is missing. One is balls and the other is true strength work. In my 20-plus years of training, while others have flip-flopped into “bodybuilding” or “kettlebells,” I have never lost the passion to get stronger.
We all know why, too. It’s fucking hard to get strong, so they QUIT.
I’ve combined strength work, dynamic work and mobility/flexibility training with one goal in mind — getting you stronger in the squat, bench press, press and deadlift.
There are 4 distinct phases to the program, each building on top of the other, that will allow the lifter to build his strength in a systematic manner. Each phase compliments the prior phase and must be done in order. So do not jump into the program in phase 3 and expect progress.
Each phase lasts 5 weeks. You’ll lift three days per week, doing two major lifts per day, comprised of the squat, bench press, press and deadlift. You’ll also perform conditioning work on three off days.
The volume and intensity will build over the next 20 weeks. We must build your strength NOT by breaking your body down first. Rather, we will build the body and strength over the next 20 weeks so that you will be able to handle a greater training load.
Training Principles
These are the principles of training that I believe in. At some point in your training career you must take a stand for what you believe and stand firm. Over the past 20-plus years, the following principles have stood the test of time, and I believe they can make any program successful:
- Start Too Light
- Progress Slow
- Set Personal Records (PR’s)
- Use Multi-Joint Exercises
Knowledge Base
Must have a working knowledge of the 5/3/1 Training Program and the Beyond 5/3/1 Training Program.
Program Notes
- This is a 20 week program designed to raise your squat, press, bench press and deadlift.
- All percentages are based on your Training Max (TM).
- Training Max (TM) is based on 90% of your best CURRENT gym 1RM or your calculated 1RM.
- You must have a TM for the squat, bench press, press and deadlift.
- Weight vest walking is essential for conditioning, as well as back, abdominal and upper back training. There is no substitute.
- All bench pressing reps must be paused. It doesn’t have to be a true competition pause, but it should not be a “touch and go” lift.
- Belt can be worn for all sets except for the 5 x 5 and 5 x 3 work.
- You’ll need to learn the Joe DeFranco Agile 8, which I have you do prior to every workout.
- All work sets should be done with a controlled (but NOT slow) eccentric phase and an explosive concentric phase.
- All four phases are based on the principles of the 5/3/1 program and the Beyond 5/3/1 program.
Beyond 5/3/1 E-Book
Since the original 5/3/1 book came out, I’ve been working to improve the program. The program was originally written for selfish reasons. I wanted a simple and easy program to follow, a program that held true to the principles in which I believed. Most importantly, I wanted a program that I was excited to actually use.
I question whether many programs written by “authorities” have even been used, either by themselves or anyone else. These programs exist simply to waste paper, space, and time. But when you have your own body on the line, you tend to put a lot more effort, time, and care into designing a program. I’m sure that at some point I’ll be forced to use test subjects for my research, but until then I will burn this body of mine until I cannot stand.
The changes and tweaks in this book represent years of training, research, injuries, and mistakes. Hell, there’s even a new program – Beyond 5/3/1. When I first wrote the original program in 2008, I had no idea that I’d be able to expand the program into what it is today. After 25+ years of training and writing programs, I still have that burning desire to create something new, unique, and awesome. When you lose that, you lose life.
The principles of the 5/3/1 program kept me grounded. I made sure that every variation stayed true to these principles: emphasize big, multi-joint movements, start light, progress slow, and set personal records. The tweaks in Beyond 5/3/1 all stay true to these principles – the changes just involve the programming.
All the programs and improvements in the book have one goal: to help you lift more weight. There are changes to the program with intensity (Joker Sets and the Beyond 5/3/1 program for example), volume (see some of the variations of the Boring But Big and First Set Last) and changes to the overall program (Spinal Tap, 75/85, and Advanced 5/3/1).
If you’re interested in fitness and want to get toned, this is not the book for you. This is a book designed for real lifters that want to push their own training and their PR’s up to the next level.
My Workout Supplementation
When Tim Patterson first asked me to try the Plazma protocol, I was skeptical. I know John Meadows uses it and swears by it, which is usually good enough for me. But the stories I kept hearing about Plazma seemed “too good,” and I simply wasn’t convinced. I had to see it work for me.
Now that I’ve been using the stuff for several months, there’s no doubt left in my mind. The Plazma protocol is amazing! And anything that allows me to train harder and reach my goals quicker is worth its weight in gold to me. In fact, I’ve worked with Biotest to help determine the best supplementation for my own training.
Here’s a typical training day and how I take the supplements from Biotest:
Training Day Supplement Protocol
Pre-Workout |
Brain Candy, 1/2 bottle |
Indigo-3G, 6 capsules |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Ride Bike |
Plazma dose (500 ml) |
Sip Plazma while riding bike for 25 minutes |
Dynamic |
Brain Candy, 1/2 bottle |
Plazma dose (500 ml) |
Box Jump |
Begin drinking Plazma and continue drinking during dynamic work. Warm-up with Squat (bar, 95 lb, 135 lb x 5/8 sets) superset with Box Jump. |
Break |
Plazma dose (500 ml) |
Begin drinking Plazma and continue drinking during strength work. |
Strength |
Bench Press |
Warm-up with bench (bar, 95 lb, 135 lb x 5/8 sets) superset with rear delt or rotator work. |
Break |
Plazma dose (500 ml) |
Begin drinking Plazma and continue drinking during assistance work. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
Side Bend |
Triceps Pushdown |
Work until so pumped that it’s not possible to do another rep. |
Post-Workout |
Post-Workout Meal |
Mag-10 Dose (500 ml) |
Brain Candy, 1/2 bottle
Indigo-3G (Buy at Amazon), 6 capsules
DeFranco Agile 8
Ride Bike
Plazma dose (500 ml)
Sip Plazma while riding bike for 25 minutes
Brain Candy, 1/2 bottle
Plazma dose (500 ml)
Box Jump
Begin drinking Plazma and continue drinking during dynamic work. Warm-up with Squat (bar, 95 lb, 135 lb x 5/8 sets) superset with Box Jump.
Plazma dose (500 ml)
Begin drinking Plazma and continue drinking during strength work.
Bench Press
Warm-up with bench (bar, 95 lb, 135 lb x 5/8 sets) superset with rear delt or rotator work.
Plazma dose (500 ml)
Begin drinking Plazma and continue drinking during assistance work.
Chin-up / Pull-up
Side Bend
Triceps Pushdown
Work until so pumped that it’s not possible to do another rep.
Post-Workout Meal
Mag-10 Dose (500 ml)
There are three things that I noticed when using Plazma and Mag-10:
First, you’ll no longer experience much, if any, soreness from your training. I even went off Plazma and trained without it to see if I would notice a difference, and I did.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Plazma allows you to train without getting sore. I even had my wife try the protocol to see if she noticed a difference. She had the same experience as I did.
The second thing that we both noticed is Plazma allowed us both to train longer. This was especially apparent when we did Prowler work.
Lastly, Plazma and Mag-10 help your muscles recover, not your joints. For many of us who train heavy, joint soreness is the determining factor in your training. So be careful, because Plazma and Mag-10 will tell your muscles one thing but your joints will tell you another. You’ll have to remember that it doesn’t give you license to do more. Use it to do what you usually do, but only BETTER. In other words, use Plazma and Mag-10 to bring what you’re currently doing to a higher level.
Phase 1 Workouts
Week 1
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (70%,80%,90%) |
3 |
3,3,3+ (go for rep PR) |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (70%,80%,90%) |
3 |
3,3,3+ (go for rep PR) |
Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (70%,80%,90%) |
3 |
3,3,3+ (go for rep PR) |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 2
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
5 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (70%,80%,90%) |
3 |
3,3,3+ (go for rep PR) |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (65%,75%,85%) |
3 |
5,5,5+ (go for rep PR) |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (65%,75%,85%) |
3 |
3,3,3+ (go for rep PR) |
Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 3
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (65%,75%,85%) |
3 |
5,5,5+ (go for rep PR) |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
5 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (65%,75%,85%) |
3 |
5,5,5+ (go for rep PR) |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%,85%,95%) |
3 |
5,3,1+ (go for rep PR) |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 4
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%,85%,95%) |
3 |
3,3,1+ (go for rep PR) |
Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%,85%,95%) |
3 |
5,3,1+ (go for rep PR) |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
5 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (75%,85%,95%) |
3 |
5,3,1+ (go for rep PR) |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 5
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
5 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Phase 2 Workouts
Week 6
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (70%,80%,90%) |
4 |
3,3,3,TM x PR* |
Bench Press (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (70%,80%,90%) |
4 |
3,3,3,TM x PR* |
Press (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
5 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max. Do not go over 5 reps on this set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (70%,80%,90%) |
4 |
3,3,3,TM x PR* |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 7
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
7 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (70%,80%,90%) |
4 |
3,3,3,TM x PR* |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
5 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (65%,75%,85%) |
4 |
5,5,5,TM x PR* |
Bench Press (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (65%,75%,85%) |
4 |
3,3,3,TM x PR* |
Press (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
5 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max. Do not go over 5 reps on this set.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 8
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (65%,75%,85%) |
4 |
5,5,5,TM x PR* |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
7 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (65%,75%,85%) |
4 |
5,5,5,TM x PR* |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
5 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%,85%,95%) |
4 |
5,3,1,TM x PR* |
Bench Press (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 9
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%,85%,95%) |
4 |
3,3,1,TM x PR* |
Press (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
5 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max. Do not go over 5 reps on this set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
7 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%,85%,95%) |
4 |
5,3,1,TM x PR* |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
7 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (75%,85%,95%) |
4 |
5,3,1,TM x PR* |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
5 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Perform one set with your Training Max for a PR rep max.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 10
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
5 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Phase 3 Workouts
Week 11
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Bench Press (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,3 |
Press (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 12
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Bench Press (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,3 |
Press (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 13
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Bench Press (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 14
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,3 |
Press (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift (80%) |
5-8 |
3 |
1 min. |
Press (Joker sets* @70-75%) |
6 |
TM x PR**,5 |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* See Beyond 5/3/1 book for Joker sets.
** Work up to your Training Max for a PR set.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 15
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Rest |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Bench Press (75%) |
5 |
5 |
1 min. |
Assistance |
Chin-up / Pull-up |
50 total |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Phase 4 Workouts
Week 16
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets* |
Bench Press |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps** |
Assistance |
Weighted Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
** For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets* |
Press |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps** |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
** For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps* |
Bench Press (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets** |
Assistance |
Weighted Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
** Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 17
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps* |
Press (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets** |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
** Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets* |
Bench Press |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps** |
Assistance |
Weighted Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
** For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets* |
Press |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps** |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
** For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 18
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps* |
Bench Press (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets** |
Assistance |
Weighted Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
** Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps* |
Press (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets** |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
** Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets* |
Bench Press |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps** |
Assistance |
Weighted Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
** For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 19
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Deadlift (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets* |
Press |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps** |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
** For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Standing Long Jump (stick landings) |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps* |
Bench Press (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets** |
Assistance |
Weighted Chin-up / Pull-up |
5 |
5 |
Side Bend |
2 |
25 |
Triceps Pushdown |
3 |
15-25 |
* For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
** Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Med Ball Slam |
15 |
Strength |
Deadlift |
Work up to your TM using triples at 10% jumps* |
Press (70%,80%,90%) |
5 |
3,3,3,TM x 1,Joker sets** |
Assistance |
Barbell Curls |
3 |
10 |
Back Raises (bodyweight) |
3 |
10-15 |
Band Pull-Apart / Face Pull |
100 total |
* For example: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3, TM x 1. Do only a single at your TM. Do not do any Joker sets.
** Use 5-10% jump after TM set. Use singles, doubles or triples on the Joker Sets and NEVER miss.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Week 20
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Box Jump |
3 |
5 |
Strength |
Squat |
Work up to TM for a single using 10% jumps. |
Bench Press |
Work up to TM for a single using 10% jumps. |
Assistance |
None |
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps |
Warm-up |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
Dynamic |
Overhead Med Ball Throw |
10 |
Strength |
Squat |
Work up to 85% of TM for a single using 10% jumps. |
Bench Press |
Work up to 85% of TM for a single using 10% jumps. |
Assistance |
None |
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Exercise |
Distance/Sets |
Conditioning |
Weighted Vest |
2 miles |
Mobility |
DeFranco Agile 8 |
3 x/day |
Saturday: Meet