What are your personal best programs you used from this site? It doesn’t matter if they are for strength/size/fat loss, just submit programs that you enjoyed the most and got best results from it…my personal favorite is ABBH 1 , i haven’t really tried many programs , but that one from Chad is great…
-super accumulation program
-Behind the russian curtain
-High Frequency training
Those are probably the ones that ive liked the most and theres also one from CT that was a 3 day a week bench program, maximal methods one day, starting strength/back/biceps another and top end strength/legs the last. dont remember the name but it never faisl to throw a serious chunk of weight on my bench
First time trying some sort of ‘controlled’ carb manipulation. It allowed me to keep my morning oatmeal, and my postworkout carbs while still tightening up. Taught me a lot, and from there I jumped off onto Berardi’s Massive Eating theories.