I was pondering on what could possibly work the posterior chain more: Wide stance powerlifting style squats,Deadlifts, or Olympic Lifts. I would like to have one or two exercises that could work the posterior chain the best and i wonder what could be the best. What does the general T-Nation population think?
All of them are the “best.” Seriously.
It’s like asking what is best in a fight: a kick, a punch, or an elbow. Well, all of them are.
Yea that’s kind of a tough question. If you put a gun to my head I’d probably vote for deadlifts, but you really can’t go wrong picking any of those three.
[quote]That One Guy wrote:
I was pondering on what could possibly work the posterior chain more: Wide stance powerlifting style squats,Deadlifts, or Olympic Lifts. I would like to have one or two exercises that could work the posterior chain the best and i wonder what could be the best. What does the general T-Nation population think?[/quote]
Dont fall for the “best exercise” stuff: any of them will get you results, but wont work forever.
Actually, the “deadlifts vs O-lifts” thing makes me think about the Westside/conjugate method where they alternate between developing maximal strength and dynamic strength.
I would imagine that deads would be great for developing the maximal strength of the posterior chain, while o-lifts would be great for the dynamic strength of the posterior chain.
Just a thought.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
All of them are the “best.” Seriously.
It’s like asking what is best in a fight: a kick, a punch, or an elbow. Well, all of them are.[/quote]
yeah thats kinda what im going for here just pondering
I’ve been doing romanian deadlifts lately and they have really helped strengthen my lower back and hamstrings. I’d go with all three if I were you.
maybe this article (Pulling Your Chain for Massive Gains) can help as well:
I think any and all variations of the exercises you mentioned qualify. But if I had to pick one, I would go with snatch grip dead on a podium. The increased range of motion puts alot more stress on the posterior chain. First time I tried this movement, I was sore for days after.
Good grief, I am sick of people asking questions and nobody offering up any sort of answer. Every single question asked here lately is met with 30 people going “you know, you shouldn’t really ask that question” or “why are you asking that, just do everything!”
A simple matter of opinion was asked, so I’ll respond with what I personally THINK works the posterior chain the best:
Romanian Deadlifts
There, a definitive answer. How refreshing.
[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
Romanian Deadlifts
There, a definitive answer. How refreshing.[/quote]
Yes, but then you’ll be accused of not taking a billion other variables in consideration.
This forum’s culture is to bicker and “expose” other’s advice as being short sighted.
For me, good ol’ fashioned deads, feet inside of shoulder width and hands right outside of foot placement. I’m sore for damn near a week after these.
Also, as much as I love to squat and bench, deads seem to lend themselves more towards overall strength[at least for me]. I’ve worked my way up to 405x5 [at 185-ish] and can now hangclean 245x2, and I haven’t done any cleans in months prior to getting that deuce.
If I had to choose one- the deadlift. Nothing else is the same.
[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
Good grief, I am sick of people asking questions and nobody offering up any sort of answer. Every single question asked here lately is met with 30 people going “you know, you shouldn’t really ask that question” or “why are you asking that, just do everything!”
A simple matter of opinion was asked, so I’ll respond with what I personally THINK works the posterior chain the best:
Romanian Deadlifts
There, a definitive answer. How refreshing.[/quote]
I agree. While the O lifts certainly will develop your PC, if you want the one most bang for your buck PC exercise, RDL’s would be it.