Bench Press and Close Grip Bench Press the Same???

I was doing chest/shldrs/tris today with my partner and noticed the weight that he was doing for his flat BB bench press was the same as his CG bench press? from my understanding that means he is using a lot of tris and possible back in his Flat Bench. is this right in my thinking and is there a way to correct this???

anyone? any help??

Dosent have to be so,… CG bench is not an isolation ex. U ARE using more tri on cg but taking the pecs out of the equation is imposible. So to say that hes using more tri on flat bench is not entirely true, i could be the other way as his chest might be a bit too involved in his cg. I for one count CG as a chest exercise as much as flat bench being a tri exercise.

But thats just from my exp and what i see from my clients.
IF your friend dosent feel his chest being worked from flat bench and his tris are exploading, maybe he needs to watch his form and flair out his elbows a bit. if the other way around then its his chest doing most of the work in the cg and he needs to tuck his elbows in more and maybe take his hands a bit farther apart.

P.S. Might be a bit confusing to read, im at work ducking my boss :smiley: hahaha

  • the Russian.

I’m significantly stronger with closegrip bench press, than with medium or wide grip. It’s just the way my nervous system is.

[quote]CPerfringens wrote:
I’m significantly stronger with closegrip bench press, than with medium or wide grip. It’s just the way my nervous system is.[/quote]

Thats the way your nervous system is? Im no expert, but Id be willing to bet it has more to do with your form, body type, and muscle strengths/weaknesses than your “nervous system.” My CGBP is pretty close to my regular BP, but thats probably because I have fairly narrow grip on my BP to begin with, and am definitely a tricep/delt presser.

Thanks for the Insight.

Major, I never even thought about it in reverse, that the chest is taking over more in CG. Yesterday we tried focus more on pinching the back and flairing elbows out some, He actually did the same weight , but he said he felt more in the chest and that it was akward, which would be expected.
