Holy Christ!! A friend of mine is opening up a gym and he is basicly building all his own equipment; Power racks, Dip bar, 20ft DB rack, all kinds of crap. Well I just started going over to his place this week, had a bench day today and just when I thought I was done he’s like, “ok last thing we’er going to do today” takes me over to the turf and shows me his “Prowler.” I pushed this SOB about 15-20 yards down and back 5 times and by the end of it if I had fallen over and died that would have been just fine. I think I just lied there when I was done for about 10 min. That GD thing is a Beast!!
One of the places I workout at is getting one of these soon.
Can’t wait to use it.
You say that now, red flags should have gone off when my friend put an empty bucket next to the turf.
Oooohhh the prowler sucks!! Sucks good, but still sucks. It is a love hate thing. You WILL get in shape though
I have a similar item here in Australia. It rarely fails to produce vomit the first few times people use it. The best person I saw first go was a female surf boat rower who just kept powering on. She shamed a lot of my male clients.
How much weight did you load up on it?
How badly do these things tear up grass? I may get one but would have to use it on a field at the local elementary school (don’t mind the vomit, kids!).
[quote]Himora22 wrote:
Holy Christ!! A friend of mine is opening up a gym and he is basicly building all his own equipment; Power racks, Dip bar, 20ft DB rack, all kinds of crap. Well I just started going over to his place this week, had a bench day today and just when I thought I was done he’s like, “ok last thing we’er going to do today” takes me over to the turf and shows me his “Prowler.” I pushed this SOB about 15-20 yards down and back 5 times and by the end of it if I had fallen over and died that would have been just fine. I think I just lied there when I was done for about 10 min. That GD thing is a Beast!![/quote]
I have a similar item…its called an import car. Get low on the bumper and have your girlfriend steer. Start slowly then just push like you were going to die.
[quote]wher0001 wrote:
[quote]Himora22 wrote:
Holy Christ!! A friend of mine is opening up a gym and he is basicly building all his own equipment; Power racks, Dip bar, 20ft DB rack, all kinds of crap. Well I just started going over to his place this week, had a bench day today and just when I thought I was done he’s like, “ok last thing we’er going to do today” takes me over to the turf and shows me his “Prowler.”
I pushed this SOB about 15-20 yards down and back 5 times and by the end of it if I had fallen over and died that would have been just fine. I think I just lied there when I was done for about 10 min. That GD thing is a Beast!![/quote]
I have a similar item…its called an import car. Get low on the bumper and have your girlfriend steer. Start slowly then just push like you were going to die.[/quote]
lol awesome. i have yet to try a prowler, but i imagine its similar to a football sled and man those can be tough.
Prowler suicides
40/30/20/10 down and back. Ohh soo fun
haha - i love/hate the Prowler! Just got home from training so currently i hate it!
Dave Tate summed it up perfectly!!!
“The Prowler? I fucking hate it. I’m not going to bullshit anyone. I absolutely hate the fucking thing. I’ll let everyone else say how awesome it is. Wendler and I took it out to a football field outside of town a while back. I don’t know how much weight was on there, but it wasn’t a lot. We did full-on sprints. Four times through. It was hot as fuck. I finished and just lay there and wanted to die. My lungs were on fire and the smell of fresh-cut grass made me want to puke. It took everything I had to just get to my car, drive my sorry ass home, sit on the couch and slobber for three hours. After that, I told myself that I’d never push that fucker again.”
i wish the gym at my uni would get a prowler, but we’re not that fortunate. i’d read about a month ago somewhere that pushing a 45 plate along the ground can be a cheap alternative. we have an indoor track, so me and some boys from rugby have been experimenting with it. currently we’re doing 30m “sprints” with it, and it’s pretty goddamned intense. i’m not sure how the prowler feels afterwards, but after about 5 rounds, my quads hurt so bad i can’t bend them and i just need to lay down for the first several minutes afterwards.
Lost my prowler virginity today. Man it was sore but worth it…
I took an idea of 40-yard sprints with a 140lb load, 6 times alternating handles used(from low to the weight bars) with 60 seconds rest between sprints.
Very. Nearly. Died.
I’m on 5/3/1 but was kinda rushing today and my buddy really wanted to try it so I went in, got my prescribed reps and hit up the prowler immediately. Lungs on fire, taste of puke in mouth(a tiny bit did come up), slightly blurry vision, and legs feeling like jelly. Not fun.
I can admit my conditioning is atrociously bad but I didn’t expect anything like this, and I expected it to be tough. I don’t think I could have done it if I had done the BBB assistance work followed by GHR’s I had planned beforehand.
I managed the 6 sprints with the 140lb load but my buddy had to do them with 50lbs on it(I think the Prowler itself weighs about 65lbs). He felt he could have done a small bit more but it still fried him. He has a high aerobic fitness level but just isn’t very strong.
Problem: The ski’s left marks on the tarmac we were doing it on. Does anybody know if these will wash away when it rains or are they permanent. I’m hoping it’s they’ll wash away as my rugby club won’t be too happy if they don’t.
I think the Prowler is a little overrated. I have one and use it regularly but there are other conditioning workouts out there that are far tougher in my opinion.
[quote]ANIMAL M0THER wrote:
but there are other conditioning workouts out there that are far tougher in my opinion.[/quote]
Do tell?
[quote]dudsman wrote:
[quote]ANIMAL M0THER wrote:
but there are other conditioning workouts out there that are far tougher in my opinion.[/quote]
Do tell?[/quote]
BB complexes
Fartleks. Go on a 400m track, warm up and then sprint one lap as fast as you possibly can. Then rest by walking half a lap. Repeat this rotation as long as you can. That’s just one variation as you can vary the distances and rest times but I never like to run less than 400m all out. These are NOT interval sprints. They are much tougher.
Bodyweight complexes.
Any military/Navy SEAL style conditioning workouts. Especially from Sealfit.com
[quote]ANIMAL M0THER wrote:
I think the Prowler is a little overrated. I have one and use it regularly but there are other conditioning workouts out there that are far tougher in my opinion.[/quote]
I’m not sure how one thing can be tougher than another. If something isn’t tough enough, do it faster, with more weight, for longer, with shorter rest periods etc.
Just about any decent conditioning exercise is what you make of it.
[quote]OBoile wrote:
[quote]ANIMAL M0THER wrote:
I think the Prowler is a little overrated. I have one and use it regularly but there are other conditioning workouts out there that are far tougher in my opinion.[/quote]
I’m not sure how one thing can be tougher than another. If something isn’t tough enough, do it faster, with more weight, for longer, with shorter rest periods etc.
Just about any decent conditioning exercise is what you make of it.[/quote]
You make a good point, but so does Animal Mother (except bodyweight complexes). I think basically anything with extra weight added can be quite similar to each other, in terms of how hard it feels.
A heavy barbell complex makes me want to puke much more than a heavy prowler session. However, I think the prowler is great because it can give you one hell of a conditioning workout, but at the same time, it has 1) negligible eccentric and 2) much easier on the joints (unlike barbell complexes). Plus, there is honestly just something about the prowler that just makes my lower back/glutes/hams/calves feel much healthier. Maybe it is because each leg is working separately. After a BB complex, I just feel beat up.
Have to agree that the 400m intervals are brutal. Still nothing has made me vomit more than the prowler (not that its a good thing)
I’m also a prowler virgin. Just looking for some feedback on it. I assume that the quads are the prime movers in the exercise and get pretty thrashed, maybe I’m wrong? Whats it feel like on the hams and glutes?
Does it transfer well to unloaded sprints?
anyone in Michigan near Detroit have one and need a workout buddy? I’d love to push one but my gym doesn’t have one and I can’t afford to join one that does.