Wrist Pain After Power Cleans

The other day I did power cleans instead of Pendlay rows. It wasn’t the first time I’ve performed this exercise,however, the next day my wrists were useless. Both wrists had inflamed tendon sheaths to some extent and 50% mobility was impaired. I’ve had a bad cold so haven’t lifted for two weeks as I’ve been making sure my cough didn’t turn into pnuemonia and my wrists have returned to normal as far as I can tell.

Has anyone else had a similar problem?

Info: 41 yr old male / 216 lbs / was lifting 135 lbs on power cleans for 3 sets with reps of 8

Couple of questions:

Do you have the mobility to hold the bar in a front rack? Can your wrists extend, do you have thoracic mobility to flex your shoulders without hyperextending your lumbar spine, etc?

How do you catch the bar? If you’re catching it with your hands then it’s going to bang your wrists up a lot. Bar should be caught on the shoulders with high elbows and the hands are there for support.

My guess is you are either overextending your wrists when you don’t have the mobility or compressing the wrists because you’re catching a bar wrong.

A video would be helpful.

Yeah, not catching on my shoulders because I don’t have the mobility for that yet. It was just weird because I’ve never had this issue happen before.

Yeah, but it’s just one of those things that’s bound to injure your wrists sooner or later.