This is a excellent question to ask the group. And I will be very happy to share with you my thoughts and opinions on it. I am a huge Bush supporter. Matter of fact, I work with the Bush campaign here in Pennsylvania. As I stated in a one post I am also someone that has a degree in History. But I look at both sides of the coin. I have studied and constantly read on the state of affairs, the world from the past to the present. And see both sides of view.
When those towers came crashing down, this country became unifed, the likes we never were, since Dec 7, 1941. ANd we stood tall and firm, did not back down. Did not bury our heads in the sand. We were one country. And it was just so beautiful to see.
But many people have forgtten what happened that day 9/11. Right now fingers are being pointed in all directions. WHo is to blame. Was it the CLinton Admin? The Bush Admin? The AMerican people? Yes it is important to find out the hows and whys. But it is more important to stand tall and firm, and say we are not going to back down. And not be divided. For the only way terrorism can be defeated, is if we stand firm and remain united. As one, country, even one world. Can you imagine what this world would be like if we were United?
But sadly this country is not United…
And the truth is not being brought out.
I mean my best friends neighbor I talked with who is in the Special Forces of the Army. Working with the Press Corp. Or journalists on special assignemnts. And he was so so angry with what is going on. He said to me, “Joe I cannot tell you how distorted this message is getting out!”
And when I call them up or email them, and ask them WHY are you doing this? Why are you distorting the truth. They say my Superiors changed it. He was banging his fist, on the table when he was telling me this. He said , “The truth the message is not getting out, as to what is going on.” He said you take these reenlistments you are hearing about. THis has been going on.
All along. Not just at this time. He told me and showed me pictures of people, handing them flowers. People running up wanting their pics taken with them. He said to me when he was in Khandahar, this one baker, knew he loved this certain cookie. And he would make each week, a batch just for him. To thank him. He said you should see how the country changed. The cell phones, pizza shoppes cafes… Mean just truly amazing. People are free. Not oppressed anymore… And none of this is getting out.
He told me, “People in the US have no idea who this enemy is. How dangerous they are. And what they are cabable to do.” “They do not care if you are Dem or Rep. Or what party affiliation you are. They will kill you. Destroy you.
And because we are only getting one side of the coin, the picture, so anti, this is what America is hearing, that they are against the War.” He told me, about the mounds of documents that have been discovered and tried to be destroyed. How all along, with Iraq, time after time, from the Halls of Congress, previous admin, people from all walks of life, have stated time and time again, even before, Bush attacked Iraq, what Sadaam was up to. And what was happening in Iraq. Reread Senator Libermans’ unbelieveable speech. See what the reasons are we went to war…
Bush is a man that sees both sides of the coin. He is a man that does not back down. Or run with his head in the sand, like Neville Chamberlian did with Adolf Hitler. Or go with the policy of appeasement. America in the 1990’s was in like the roaring 20’s. Sept 11. 2001, was like the stock market crash of Oct 13, 1929. A reawakening for America. And the only way, we can show these terrorists we mean business is with a storng leader, who won’t be an appeaser. Again a Neville Chamberlain.
Also I am helping with the Bush campaign, because of what I am seeing in America. Again you look at how this country is moving to the left, all throughout history. Where the push for more socialistic programs, are wanting to be enacted. (Case in point, look at Hilliary Clinton and her push when Clinton wsas Pres for Universal heatlh care.) More and more Federal governemt making our decisons. Saying this is what is right and good for us. And when I see the records of Kerry of Bush, and see their liberal rankings. You might say oh he will never lead us down that path. Both you look at their records, and how they are ranked. YOu think CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, newpapers, etc. will bring this out? No…
It is going to be such a tough fight. Because oh so many are against Bush. Want to see him loose. And will continue to villify him. Rip him to shreds, and continue to distort the truth. With the War. How many have gone back in history, and read what truly went on. Get the big picture.
When this report comes out from the 9/11 commisison, it will just add more salt to the wounds…
I do hope and pray America will wake up and smell the coffe. That would could happen, to this country… How so amny things will be undone. And you might say oh Kerry’s hands will be tied. But what he wants will be enacted, eventually. He will be in office then for 4 years. And with new elections…
Also the foreign policy? How would that change? Lots of things will change…
And move more to the left…
But just like I am a member of the Friends of Gettysburg, help protect defend, and preserve the battlefield, I am ready for a fight…And in the end, Bush will prevail and win over it all… For America will wake up down the road, cut away from all the lies untruths, distortions, and see the big picture… 
Impossible is nothing
Stay Laced and True