Bush Re-election?

  Who here will vote for Bush in the next presidential elections?
  Yes or no?

  My vote: yes.


Yes…for sure

Although it is really too early to commit to any one candidate, I would say yes unless a better candidate surfaces, which, in my opinion, is unlikely.

Unless there is an effective pro-life libratarian running, then I will gladly vote for Bush. But, I will still vehmently protest the CAPPS II policy, which is seemingly backed more by democrats then republicans at this point…Bastards.

I believe it is somewhat early to begin the polls. I think we need to see how our economy is fairing after the war ends, and of course above all who his opponents are and what everyone’s platforms are.


He’s doing what’s right despite a possible political sacrifice. How many democrats would do that?

You gotta respect the man.



YES. As of now, Kerry’s officially heading up my shit list, though.

God YES!!! Unless there’s a better Republican canidate thats running against Bush.

Yes, unless we back out of Iraq again.



Most definitely… YES!!!


hell hell no

You Americans will never know how good it can be until Ralph Nader becomes president.

Scall144, what can the president directly do about the economy? What direct effect can he have? The economy goes up and down in a cyclical fashion. No one can control it. Think of it like a ketogenic diet. Sooner or later you have to carb up. Democrats will tell you though that Clinton is the reason the economy was so good and George Sr. was the reason it was so bad. but i digress.

No, because the economy has been crappy since he has took office and has done nothing to fix it. I realize he has had his difficuilties as president (Trade Centers) but I still believe the economy should be doing better. I also oppose the war for a number of reasons though most importantely because he just doesn’t admit that its about oil. We need the oil thats reasonable but Bush has to be “politicaly correct”. If the weapons of mass destruction were so important we would be after North Korea which is a direct threat right now. With missles able to reach anywhere on the west coast as far inland as Kansas. In other words while Iraq may or may not be a threat North Korea is for sure and threat and nothing is been done. BTW I am a republician so don’t think im some liberal. In closing ive watched my stock account go down since Bush has been president so I will not vote for him.