I thought that might attract some readers to this post! I was right you clicked it and here you are. So why is Zeb, seemingly a staunch republican admittedly conservative not happy with President Bush?
I voted for President Bush (no surprise there) but I voted more against John Kerry than for President Bush. As a matter of fact in previous elections I voted more against Bill Clinton than for Bob Dole, against Bill Clinton the first time than for George Bush (the father). In fact, the last time that I recall voting ?for? a candidate was the last time that Ronald Reagan ran for President. That would be about 21 years ago, and he was only ?close? to my ideal candidate.
Unfortunately the type of man whom I would choose as President has never run. I thought that he was running back in 1992 when Ross Perot shook up the political world with his third party candidacy. However, I was mistaken, Perot was a bit to rich, and somewhat to fanatical (which could be because he was a bit to rich). As some remember, before dropping out, and then returning to the fray he was leading both our sitting President George Bush and the other guy who ultimately won the White House; Bill Clinton. Even after dropping out and reentering he garnered about 19% of the vote! That alone tells us that there is a desire out there for someone who is different, someone who can really change the face of Washington.
There is an old Jimmy Stewart movie (If you have to ask who Jimmy Stewart is you are not smart enough to vote yet, so go find another thread). Stewart plays ?Jefferson Smith? an average guy who thinks he can make a difference by running for elected office. He is faced with political corruption, but ultimately wins out over these evil forces and scores big for the little guy. Yea, that?s what I want! I want someone, (maybe one of you T-Men), to go to Washington and kick some ass!
Stop the games that both parties play at the expense of the voters. Cut back the pork barrel projects which seem to pass unnoticed right under the voters noses. Stop the games played regarding judicial nominees. Actually pass some fair tax legislation which makes the fat cats pay their fair share while at the same time removes taxes altogether for those making a menial income. How many ?tax cheats? would gladly pay their fair share if it was really ?fair?? Stop trying to regulate every freaking thing that moves! Fore example, if I want to drive without a stinking seat belt it ought to be my right. My car! My insurance! My life! The same can be said about plenty of other laws. What happened to freedom and independence? This country was not made great by those who choose to control others (the bureaucrats, politicians etc) but by those who felt that there was enough freedom in the air so that they could accomplish anything that their own creativity could muster. Our current system (whoever the President might be at the time) only discourages this sort of independent thinking.
Political games are only fun for those playing them. Everyone else is hurt by them whether they realize it or not. If we could only put to good use the money that is wasted in our current federal government we could feed and cloth the truly disadvantaged, and also have the means to be able to tell the fakes from the truly needy. We could do many things which would actually help human beings without the PC police telling us how to live, how to act, and what to say. Am I wrong here, or would an independent strong leader have a great deal to say from his ?bully pulpit??
I want to send someone to Washington who will do these things. Unfortunately, no one yet has run who is capable of such a task. Furthermore, we are faced with the real possibility that candidates like this only exist in the movies?sigh?
Until one such candidate does emerge I will not walk away from the political system. What I will do is continue voting against anyone who even hints of increasing the size of government, raising taxes and generally playing more political games than their opponent might if given the chance. I may not ever be 100% in favor of the candidate I am voting for, but until a would be ?Jefferson Smith? walks through that political door I will at least be voting, and that will be, in most cases for the lesser of two evils.