Right around 1:00am (as I predicted on another thread) Ohio slipped into the Bush column and the election was over. Let’s look at the reasons President Bush was in fact reelected.
The youth vote simply did not materialize for the democrats, as they predicted. 18-23 year olds, 17%. 18 to 29 group, 33%. Both figures exactly what they were four years ago! I admit I was surprised as I thought this group would increase a bit more, but fall far short of what the Kerry camp (and certain people on this forum) thought. Kids just don’t vote!
The Evangelical Christian vote turned out in record numbers for the President. I think when all the facts are sorted out this one group will be shown as most responsible for the Presidents victory.
A larger percentage of African Americans than expected, not happy with Kerry’s stance on certain social issues voted for President Bush or stayed at home. Kerry still won the black vote by large margins, but not as large as expected, or needed.
Karl Rove put together the finest get out the vote effort that has ever occurred within the republican party. 1.2 million volunteers! Yikes!
Hollywood liberals, rock stars and some whackos like Michael Moore may have had a negative effect on the Kerry candidacy with middle America. They sure didn’t help get the youth vote out as predicted. All Moore did was drive the hate factor up within that group who already were not very fond of President Bush.
I honestly feel that Arnold helped President Bush in Ohio, as did the 44 stops that President Bush made to Ohio since becoming President four years ago. Rove new that Ohio was key and they treated it as such.
I picked President Bush to win and I have not yet been wrong on a Presidential prediction. Okay…that was not a reason that Bush won, but it looked like a good place to brag just a little…sorry :).
Perhaps you disagree with some of my reasons for President Bush’s victory (please don’t count #7). Give some reasons that you feel President Bush won reelection.