When it comes to improve your knowledge about training and even nutrition, who do you like for further information?
I have been to a bunch of seminars (Charles Poliquin, Eric Serrano, Ian King, John Berardi), read a lot of books and articles on the subject. I would just apreciate your input on who you like and who you would recommend, either as reading material or seminars.
To tell you the truth i have never consulted a strength coach. So, i really dont have anyone specific i would recommend. I think strength coaches are extremely important in football and physical sports, but not crucial for weight lifting. You learn to lift through trial and error and asking others for advice, not someone telling you what to do. Dont get me wrong though…strength coaches are very intelligent people. I just dont know how important they are for the typical lifter.
Not in any order: Charles Staley, Pavel Tsatsouline, Brooks Kubick, Christian Thibaudeau, Coach Davies, Charles Poiquin, Coach Scott Sonnon, Kim Wood, Ken Leistner, and Louie Simmons.
DB Hammer, Charlie Francis, John Davies, CT, and JB in no particular order. One thing I do know for a fact is that Charles Staley is a fraud! He plagiarized Francis’s vertical integration and published the article on this site!
This is just so darn tough… but I really like Pavel T. and all of the contributors to T-Mag seem to have something to offer (okay, major suck-up time, where’s my T-shirt!)