Strength Coaches

I was just wondering who is everybody’s favourite Strength Coach or Coaches. Coach Davies and Ian King have influenced the way I train the most with Poliquin playing a smaller role. I try to stay away from Pavel as I find him narrow minded. Thanks for your replies.

Ian King

I think that you can learn something from everyone. I would have to stay that my early lifting days were dominated by Bill Phillips and Charles Poloquin and the Muscle Media of old. But recently, since finding T-mag, I have greatly increased my strength due to Dave Tate’s writings and have incorporated some brand new exercises from John Davies’s articles and also from Pavel Tsatsouline’s writings in the Sport Supplement Guide V.4.

Louie Simmions, Dave Tate, John Davies, Mel Siff…in no particular order.

Coach King has had the most influence on my training. I always go with a 4 day King split with two upper body days and two lower body days. I really like a lot of Coach Davies’ stuff as well. I did some 1 1/2 front squats yesterday followed up by some old school hack squats, they were brutal! Thanks Coach D.

Poliquin and recently Coach Davies have been very influential to the way I train. In terms of nutrition, Bill Phillips gets a nod because when I first got into this game my parents purchased Body-for-Life, meaning that they came to understand the way I was eating which was a huge help for a teenager! These days, Chris Shugart and John Berardi’s diet articles are constantly shaping the way I eat.

from wsb i read Science and Practice— Zatsiorsky. Much easier read than supertraining and easy to refer back to. still shapes most all of what i do.

“I try to stay away from Pavel as I find him narrow minded.” Ah, the irony :slight_smile:

Charles Staley and Pavel.

Like Jason said, I think you can learn something from everyone. I’ve used and had good success with things I’ve learned from Charles Poliquin, Charles Staley, Ian King, Coach Davis, Pavel Tsatsouline and Charlie Francis. All have something to contribute, and depending on the type of training I’m using at a particular time in the year, I’m usually doing something from one of the above coaches if not a mix of things. Also, don’t forget the T-mag writers. John Berardi and Chris Shugart have had some good articles and input as well.

Dave Tate and the WSB crew, Ian King, Coach Davies. I’ve also enjoyed Mel Siff, Verkoshansky(sp?), and some of the russian translated texts that Dave Tate offers(really good stuff)

In the beginning it was Poliquin & the old MM2k crew, but since I went old-school, it’s Joe Hise, Brooks Kubik, George Jowett, Thomas Inch, Arthur Saxon, Hermann Goerner, Steve Justa & the soviets like Roman & Medvedyev

How about all the strength researchers that allow us to improve the field of strength coaching. Zatsiorsky, Verkoshansky, Siff, Bompa, Hatfield, etc.

I like all the current contributors to t-mag, but I lean towards Pavel. He’s firm in his methods but I don’t think narrow-minded.

Arthur Jones.

As far as functional strength/athleticism goes, Coach John Davies is the man. I also like Ian King, however I feel he doesn’t focus as much on maximizing athletic potential. I try to take things from various Coach’s theories then apply it to my nutrition and training.

Richard Simmons, Victoria Principal

I like to incorporate bits from a number and will use them at diff times, Ian King has probably had most influence with rest weeks etc, but also use bits from Poloquin, Davies, Pavel and lately Alessi.

Like Kelly said without guys like Zatsiorsky, Verkoshansky, Siff, Bompa, Hatfield etc…all the current gurus wouldn’t exist.

Hatfield and Staley are definitely at the top of my list. Also Zatsiorsky, Siff, and lately Davies and King.