Who Agrees With This Video?

On a bulk should you really only aim for 1 pound per month? I thought it was more like 1 pound per week? And if you do gain a pound a month, will only half of it really be muscle?

Ive found that the Hodge Twins generally know what they are talking about, but their knowledge seems to be lacking in certain areas.

From what I understand, more than a pound a week is ‘too much’, and about 1 a fortnight is a better figure. Thats still 26# a year of what should be mostly (70/30) muscle. I’d take that!

Dude, never watch there videos for anything more than entertainment purposes. They are retarded.

[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
Dude, never watch there videos for anything more than entertainment purposes. They are retarded.[/quote]

This. I watch these guys daily, but it is just to have a laugh. They are some funny dudes.

[quote]StateOfPsychosis wrote:

[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
Dude, never watch there videos for anything more than entertainment purposes. They are retarded.[/quote]

This. I watch these guys daily, but it is just to have a laugh. They are some funny dudes.[/quote]
x3. And don’t just go by an arbitrary number.

they did that shit 3 times SON… lol, funny stuff

I’d say 1 lb a month for most people is way too conservative. 1 lb a week or maybe slightly less is a safe starting point. Obviously someone like Stu would be pretty happy with 12 lbs of muscle in a year, while a new person needs to look at what they’re doing wrong if that’s all they get.

Never believe anything a blue-eyed black man says.

Um the mirror?

[quote]ryanbCXG wrote:
Um the mirror?[/quote]

Unfortunately this is largely forgotten by people when they are bulking or cutting.