Poliquin: Way Ahead of the Curve?

Obviously there is no doubt this guy knows his stuff. However, some of his stuff just seems too far fetched to believe. In his latest article, he said just due to the environment he was in, with regular eating habits, he went, in ONE week mind you, from 198 at 8% bodyfat to 208 something like that at 6% bodyfat. As well, he states he had a football player increase his lbm by 28 some pounds in 1 month just due to taking 45g of fish oil in a week.

Well if this is true, I guess we cannot listen to any other authors that say ANYTHING on this website since Even CT says in the best conditions one can hope to pack on .25-.5 lbs of muscle in a week, which would be 2 lbs of pure muscle in a month. Somehow though Poliquin has managed to squeeze about 27 more pounds of muscle into that month, or better yet, a good deal over 10 lbs of muscle within just a week on himself!

I wonder if everyone in this location he went to is growing like this just because of the foods they eat over there. These are legitimate questions and I feel the source, while quality, overexagerates stuff too much.

I truly believe it may be more his style of writing to blame, it seems to me he tends to exaggerate many points, but no doubt a very knowledgable man. I would sum the exaggerations up to excitement and a vested interest in what hes writing about.

I think he’s pretty brilliant. Don’t know what to make of those claims, though.

could do with some supporting evidence really

Most people who make money selling something exaggerate their claims. Thats how you make more money. Watch sunday informercials, see if you really think people can lose 10lbs in the first week doing hip-hop abs every day for 30 minutes.

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
Most people who make money selling something exaggerate their claims. Thats how you make more money. Watch sunday informercials, see if you really think people can lose 10lbs in the first week doing hip-hop abs every day for 30 minutes.[/quote]

Exactly. He is a good salesman as well as a good strength coach. You need to view some of his claims with scepticism and think about the point he is trying to make.

I think it’s funny how many people shit their pants over oatmeal yesterday in the article discussion. As if the fucking world is going to end because of consuming oatmeal.

Many will make exaggerated claims to emphasize a point, and this seems to be a staple in Poliquin’s writing approach. Concentrate on his suggestions and not his claims, and you’ll find his advice to be very informative.

[quote]mazevedo wrote:
I think it’s funny how many people shit their pants over oatmeal yesterday in the article discussion. As if the fucking world is going to end because of consuming oatmeal.[/quote]

that doesn’t bother me at all as anyone who has a brain when bulking knows that brocolli and fruits aren’t gona cut it as their only carb source (at least for me, unless i was going for the anorexic weight division). it’s more or less the BS claims that i wonder about.

Just imagine how swole you would be if you took Betaine HCL, high dose fish oil, stopped eating oatmeal, and moved to the Dominican Republic. You could gain 100 lbs of pure muscle in one month!

The guy’s a marketing genius. It seems to have worked rather well for him.

[quote]pushharder wrote:
Dopamineloveaffair wrote:
Just imagine how swole you would be if you took Betaine HCL, high dose fish oil, stopped eating oatmeal, and moved to the Dominican Republic. You could gain 100 lbs of pure muscle in one month!

I just decided to sell my business, abandon my wife and kids and do just that. When I return a month later at 300 lbs. with 6% bf, nobody will recognize me. This is gonna be so cool.[/quote]

Can I come along?

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:

Exactly. He is a good salesman as well as a good strength coach. You need to view some of his claims with scepticism and think about the point he is trying to make.[/quote]

Agreed. The more important thing is to look for the concept behind the examples. That’s the heart of the message.

Besides, once in a life time shit does happen, what, once in a life time?

[quote]arthursaxon wrote:
Many will make exaggerated claims to emphasize a point, and this seems to be a staple in Poliquin’s writing approach. Concentrate on his suggestions and not his claims, and you’ll find his advice to be very informative.[/quote]

Usually “claims” provide the credibility for suggestions and if they are b.s. it makes you doubt the suggestions.

I grow tired of Poliquin’s claims. Every single routine he lays out results in 10+ lbs or whatever amounts of muscle. Its always exaggerated. if that were the case i would use one program for 6 weeks gain 10 lbs and switch to another and gain 10 lbs… its nonsense you can’t continually gain.

The only author you can trust on this site is Thib. Poliquin is always marketing his business with these fantastic results. beware…

I just wanted to let you know that you all killed my dream of haveing a program and diet made for me by Poliquin that would show these kind of sick results.

[quote]rsg wrote:
pushharder wrote:
Dopamineloveaffair wrote:
Just imagine how swole you would be if you took Betaine HCL, high dose fish oil, stopped eating oatmeal, and moved to the Dominican Republic. You could gain 100 lbs of pure muscle in one month!

I just decided to sell my business, abandon my wife and kids and do just that. When I return a month later at 300 lbs. with 6% bf, nobody will recognize me. This is gonna be so cool.

Can I come along?[/quote]

Yeah! I’ma do it too!

I tend to stick to Thib, Waterbury, and Berardi for the majority of advice I take in.