Which Rowing Exercise?

I am doing a full body workout with the following exercises

Bench Press
Military Press
Some stomach

Lacks a good rowing exercise that fit my basic program. There are so many to choose from eg T-bar, dumbbell row, pendlay-row, rowing machine, barbell row etc. which all can additionally be performed with different grips and grip width.

I am in the range of 8-12 rep. Which rowing exercise would be best for my full body workout?

Try them all, choose 1 that lets you feel your back working best.

a bent over barbell row would probably be slightly better for size

Barbell Bent Over Row is a good choice but you must maintain good form otherwise it’s pointless.
Dumbbell Single Arm Row is also an excellent exercise.

Both use different muscles so it depends how you are going to set up your week, whether it be an A, B,A, B type program or just same exercises each workout. If it’s the latter you need to restrict how many exercises you use. If it’s the A, B, A, B then you can use both types of rows.

In the confines of a full body program the Pendlay is one of the best back movements. However I will occasionally spend some time on the Chest-supported row as it helps me ingrain the feeling of how a properly pulled row should feel in my back. It greatly assists my Pendlay row form and have seen the same thing work with a couple other guys.

[quote]xtreme79 wrote:
There are so many to choose from eg T-bar, dumbbell row, pendlay-row, rowing machine, barbell row etc. which all can additionally be performed with different grips and grip width. [/quote]
There are also tons of variations of squats, benching, chin-ups, and curls that can be done with different grips and widths. Think about how and why you decided on what you already chose and then apply the same line of thinking to rows.

Are you doing everything for 8-12 reps? Even abs and deadlifts? I disagree with that approach. Also, discussing rep range without discussing sets or frequency is only telling a fraction of the story.

I have tried Bent-Over Barbell Row but feel I am too stiff in my hamstrings to perform it correct. Moreover, it just feels uncomfortable (not that it is too heavy).

[quote]jbpick86 wrote:
In the confines of a full body program the Pendlay is one of the best back movements. However I will occasionally spend some time on the Chest-supported row as it helps me ingrain the feeling of how a properly pulled row should feel in my back. It greatly assists my Pendlay row form and have seen the same thing work with a couple other guys.[/quote]

I like Pendlay row. Is it ok to perform pendlay row in a rep range of 8-12?

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
Are you doing everything for 8-12 reps? Even abs and deadlifts? I disagree with that approach. Also, discussing rep range without discussing sets or frequency is only telling a fraction of the story.[/quote]

I do 8-12 rep with all exercises except deadlifts, squats and abs. Deadlifts and squats is 3*5 + 3 warm-up set. In the other exercises I do 8 rep first week, 9 rep second week, 10 rep third week and so on. If I can do all the rep when I’m on 12 with good technique, I increase the weight and start over at 8 rep rep.

[quote]xtreme79 wrote:
I like Pendlay row. Is it ok to perform pendlay row in a rep range of 8-12?
