This has been going on for about two months I think. It isn’t painful, but it grosses me out when I hear it. Some days I can squat the whole day without having it do it but only if I stay slightly above parallel. Both of my knees are noisy and click a lot but my right knee has not always done this. Fast forward to around the 40 second mark.
after that workout I began foam rolling for about 3 minutes per leg each day mainly on the IT band. I am going to workout tomorrow and squat and see if it’s any better. My knees are still a little sore I think because I went for a pr that workout and usually stick around 5rp or less for squats.
Do you lift with the muscles around your knee or your upper thigh? In a squat, I dont know if it’s just me but i can use different muscles and i found out its easier, but you hear that popping noise if you lift with your lower leg muscles.
Not sure if it makes since, but use your mid to upper thigh to lift.
yeah I really have no idea what you mean, definately get pumped quads though on higher rep sets. I squat high bar, start the movement with the knees per charles poliquins suggestion, not by sticking my butt out like a power lifter
I really just want to know if I should be concerned or if there is a good probability IT band rolling a lot will help this. But I will see how it goes tomorrow also, I assume it’s probably better to just squat slightly higher to avoid the click.
thought there would be more knowledge on this esp. with a video
and it still does it with no weight except with no weight(just a body weight squat, its more of a quiet crunch, and it just gets louder the more weight I have on it.
I read an article that discussed this. Something about stuff grinding on each other. So maybe you should push your knees out more? Point toes out? IDK i didn’t watch the video. Most likely form though causing the grinding.
It will become an issue over time.
Second page:
"The knee is a hinge joint, kind of like a pair of scissors. If you open and close them in one direction all is well. But if you twist the handles, you can hear the blades grind against each other.
Altering the natural hinging groove is a big reason why people have noisy, crackling, crepitus-filled knees. To prevent it, you have to minimize lateral movement of the knee under an external load.
Most people are aware of the dangers that are associated with the knees collapsing inward during a squat. But not many people seem to be concerned with the other extreme ? knees too far outward. The truth is that each position comes with unwanted baggage.
The foot has three bony protuberances that are the foundation for balance. Together, they form what’s known as the tripod. When the weight is too far inside or outside of the tripod (as with knees too far in or too far out), it inhibits the ability of the hips to do their job. This is crucial for a healthy functioning lower body.
The ideal relationship during any standing exercise is that the knee tracks over the second/third toe. If it’s there, your weight has to be centered over the tripod, which allows for maximum hip involvement. Shoving your knees to the outside is great if you’re having trouble with them caving in. Otherwise, you’re just creating more problems."
Found it for you
take glucosomine supplement.
Thanks Mike, but my knees do not cave in at all during squats even during my 1 rep max, not sure if you can tell or not in the video but I definately do not have this issue. Purchased some knee sleeves to keep them warm for a start.
[quote]illgixxer wrote:
Thanks Mike, but my knees do not cave in at all during squats even during my 1 rep max, not sure if you can tell or not in the video but I definately do not have this issue. Purchased some knee sleeves to keep them warm for a start. [/quote]
how do you know??
do you look down at your knees while you are squatting???
I don’t focus exclusively on my knees but yes there are mirrors where I squat and it is easy to see they stay still, and I know what it feels like.
Work on your ankle mobility and your hamstring tone. Judging from the video and personal experience it’s most likely that your hamstrings are “weak” in a certain ROM (should be roughly where the crepitus occurs). The shoes aren’t doing you any favours
I have read that you can get knee issues from not having a balanced quad/hamstring volume, so today I did squats, then seated leg curls, then romanian dead lifts, and up right single leg culs, so I am focusing more on hamstring volume than quad volume now.
Any specific way to target hamstrings that affect that specific range of motion in the squat? And can you be more specific with the shoes, like which shoes I should be wearing and how that would make a difference? Not sure if you’re suggesting olympic weight lifting shoes or something else.
I’m a fan of joint sleeves myself. I feel I’m much strong when my joints stay warm while training.
I thought I had purchased a pair of joint sleeves from elitefts but when I tried them on they were pretty tight, almost felt like wearing hockey gear when trying to squat down. So I called and they explained I ordered knee supports, I think they actually let me lift a little more weight, but they also act as a knee warmer. Anything a chiropractor could look at for me? I have an appointment tomorrow with one.
Personally i think overuse of supports weaken joints. I just like to keep them warm.
I couldn’t tell you for sure but i doubt a chiro could diagnose you due to legal terms? Wouldn’t hurt to ask
just got back from the chiropractor…I have a knee tracking problem, my knees go way outside what they are supposed to while squatting, I got some insoles for my shoes that correct it some but not completely. Also, I have a problem getting my VMO to fire properly(it fires after other muscles).
I did electrostim and am going back for some physical therapy. But they suggested I didn’t let my knees go that far over my toes, and the doctor showed me his knee did the same thing went his knee went passed his toe. He said I have no pain now but if I kept squatting deep with the loud click it will lead to pain.
Dissapointing but not against exercising at all like other doctors I’ve been to, I think I might just have to stick to slightly higher squats, single leg exercises, and lots of hamstring work, etc.
the trick is to “sit back” as opposed to collapsing the knee if you get what i mean. I.e. try and maintain vertical shin. Whether it stays vertical or not isn’t the big issue it’s just whether you can actively get the hamstring to pull the tibia into place during the squat. As fas as shoes go… no soft soled shoes, oly shoes would eliminate the ankle mobility problems (but you should work on that regardless). Even barefoot is better, or socks.