Knee Problems With Squats

When i get down into a squat about 80 degrees, my right knee “clicks” it happens on the inside right next to my knee cap. I can feel it happen just about every time I try and squat. If i squat down like i would normally to pick up something, i usually dont feel it though.

It doesnt cause any immediate pain, but if i do it several times it will be sore for a while. Btw this is even with just bodyweight, so weight has little to do with it.

Any idea how i can fix this, I wanna squat :smiley:

Inside or outside?

If it’s the outside, you have what’s know as illiotibial band friction syndrome.

Common treatment is stretching and fixing of postural problems (you’re probably over-pronating).

However if it’s on the inside, heck I’m stumped!

inside the side closest to the other knee… medial.

Yeah, im stumped also :confused:

Just a wild guess, but I had similar symptoms after damaging my meniscus cartiledge.

The difference is that after a few weeks off, weights seemed to help it, not hinder. No more pain.

could the problem simply be that I am not putting my weight far enough back on my foot, i tried a couple bw squats and i purposely put my weight back and to the outside more than normal, and it seemed to help a lot, the click was hardly noticable at all, i had to put my hand on my knee to barely feel it.

Then again maybe it is a meniscal thing, hopefully it heals up. I overpronate a little (low arch) so i suppose that has something to do with it.

Just go to a physio dude. See a professional. Don’t lift on it for fear of aggravating it and making it worse.

I’m no expert but I believe that clicking is often caused by friction between the patella and the femur (sp?). From what I’ve heard this friction is often caused the by muscles attached to the patella being too tight and pulling the patella against the femur. The guilty muscles are likely to be the IT (iliotibial) band (as mentioned above), the quad, hip flexors and/or the vastus medialus (sp?). I had knee pain about a year ago but stretcing my quads and hip flexors seems to have resolved it completely.

I would strongly suggest that you read Ian King’s article on here called End Needless Knee Pain.

Hope this helps.

Oh and another thing, you may want to also check your squat form. As you say keeping the weight on the heels can help but also try to ensure that you hav your feet wide enough and are sitting back so that the hamstrings and glutes do most of the work, not the quads. Box squatting might help to teach the correct path.

When I first started back in the gym, about 8 months ago, I thought there would be no way I could ever do squats. Years of playing hockey and being way overweight caused almost constant pain and “clicking”.

I started out on the leg sled machine (basically a prone squat). As I progressed the pain and clicking started to subside. In about 2 months time I had the machine maxed out and had to move on to squats.

I read somewhere that muscle will expand quicker than tendons and this can cause some pain and clicking. Have it checked out just to make sure there isn’t any underlying damage. Then try a variation of the movement with lower weight and higher reps until it is no longer an issue.

[quote]njbigguy wrote:
When I first started back in the gym, about 8 months ago, I thought there would be no way I could ever do squats. Years of playing hockey and being way overweight caused almost constant pain and “clicking”.

I started out on the leg sled machine (basically a prone squat). As I progressed the pain and clicking started to subside. In about 2 months time I had the machine maxed out and had to move on to squats.

I read somewhere that muscle will expand quicker than tendons and this can cause some pain and clicking. Have it checked out just to make sure there isn’t any underlying damage. Then try a variation of the movement with lower weight and higher reps until it is no longer an issue.[/quote]

THat would make tons of sense. When they went in for athroscopic surgery, everything in my knee was in perfect shape, they cut out the plica though, which is nothing big, because there are no side effects, and they can eventually cause problems anyway…

But I was doing basically 10x10 like a hardcore once a week thing.

So maybe my muscles were gaining so quickly that my tendons couldnt keep up. Although, why wouldnt that even out after a year?

I did pretty much stop lifting, although i kept doing a little bit.

Is there a way i can work my tendons more specifically to see if this helps?

Like negatives?

anyway like i said so far balancing my ab/adductors strength helped tons, and maybe strengthening my hammies now will help, although i am not sure yet.

Will get back to this thread if i see any improvements, and to see if anyone replied :slight_smile:

well i did 2x15 leg press yesterday and i feel about the same as i did before the workout now, so im not exactly sure if it helped or not. But im not completely healed from the workout, i dont think I can still feel it. (not sore, but that euphoric feeling in the muscles i worked, and a little tightness)

I would say that that’s a good sign. Next time around try a 15 and a 10 and up the weight on the 10.

Been doing squats 5x5 @ 215. Will probably up this week to 240.

this is what i have done the last 2 tiems lifting (my first two trying to focus on tendon strength)

Exercise - Sets Reps Weight(2ndsetwgt)

Leg Press- 2x15x90(70)
Deadlift - 2x11(10)x95(75)
Pull-ups - 2-3-4 (3 different sets)
Bench Press - 1x11x40 (2 20 DBs)

Above was done on monday april 4th

next one was friday april 8th

Leg Press - 1x15x45 (i went a little lighter because i was quivering after the 1st one last time, and i intended to do more sets but i was pressed for time and someone else started hogging the LP :/)

G-H Raise - 2x15xbw (i made sure to do 2 of these because my hammies are weaker than my quads, more so than they should be)

Pull ups - 7x2xbw in 7 minutes

Adductor 1x6x90
abductor 1x6x90

Next time I will make sure to do 3 sets of 15 on the Leg press, and then i will start adding weight.

also i would like to add that im not going to add weight until i get the reps down. I might even do a 4th set before i add weight. I want to only maintain the muscle i have for now, and build the tendons good and strong. Hopefully this ends up being the solution.

Then i will slowly add weight, and after my discomfort is 100% gone, then i might even go into a hypertrophy phase… then strength phase.