What Kind of Squat is Best for ATG?

are they the normal high-bar squats…or the low-bar ones in which you can go a bit heavy?

trying to increase my squat and go ATG

right now i can only squat ATG for 1 rep with 100kg

High Bar ATG and Front Squat ATG.

high bar

thanks guys…

i guess i will need to try both and see which suits the best

thanks though

[quote]varunj17 wrote:
thanks guys…

i guess i will need to try both and see which suits the best

thanks though[/quote]

lol…why’d you make the post then? You got two people who answered your question.

Why do you feel the need to go ATG?

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Low bar may be harder to get deep, you need more hip mobility to do that.

If the goal is getting a big squat, you can probably move more weight low bar.

[quote]Boffin wrote:
Why do you feel the need to go ATG?[/quote]

cuz it’s badass and if he doesn’t he’s a pussy!!

j/k Not everyone is built for it and forcing the issue will sometimes only lead to problems. Guy’s sometimes do themselves a disservice by forcing it when they don’t even have the proper form to parallel.

The front squat is best for getting your ass to touch the grass… But with how the grass is outside right now my ass would touch the grass if I low bar squatted. In all seriousness, For extremely deep squats it would be front squats, zercher squats, and high bar squats being the hardest to go ATG, front squats and zerchers are about equal though.


What if you dont get low bar squats, how would you move more weight doing low bar squats vs. high bar?

What if there is no low bar or high bar, but just back squats?