About a month, perhaps 6 weeks at most was the last time I squatted heavy (and just below parallel), topping around 280x5x5. I had hurt my back, not from squatting, but regardless I had stopped squatting for several weeks and moved to unilateral lifting.
I had just gotten back to squatting and I’m switching to ATG squats. Today was the first day and I could only manage 210x5. Is this an acceptable number after several weeks off and switching of form? Or should I be able to do more initially? Or will I just move up to where I was quickly?
Is it an acceptable number? No, not at all. Since its not acceptable, everybody here is going to go over to your house at night and break your legs so you can’t squat anymore, thus it won’t matter if you numbers are acceptable.
But seriously, you just came back from weeks off after an injury, your squatting deeper (or at least you think you are, you might just think you are), your numbers are going to be down. Work them back up and don’t worry what is “acceptable”.
Don’t worry about it so much, it’s much, much harder to go ATG than it is to go parallel. Although some people would argue that you don’t need to go ATG.