Anybody fit the Westside template into the five workdays with weekends off succesfully?(M,Tues, Thurs, Fri)
I"m thinking I’m either going to do the 3 day split where it gets rotated or I’d preferrably like to fit the whole Westside week in M-F. Anybody think this is good or would it be overkill?
I’ve done it on certain weeks where my schedule didn’t permit normal workouts and I was fine. I don’t know how it would affect me to do it indefinitely.
I would reccomend going M, W, F, M for your Westside program. In the 8 keys Dave says to have at least 72 hours in between the max effort and dynamic method days for squat and bench because the larger muscles need that time for recovery.
there would be no problem training wise. Westisde has there training week to match up close to a meet, when the time comes. It doesn’t have to do with the exact training.
I do the same thing as Tommy Gun except I squat on Monday and Thursday. It sucks to have sore legs going into the weekend, plus I’m fresher mentally on Monday when I squat heavy. My split looks like this:
MON: Squat ME
TUES: Bench ME
WED: Off
THU: Squat DE
FRI: Bench DE
I have made better gains on Dave Tate’s beginner program than anything I’ve tried in the last 5 years. Thanks Dave!
When I started Westside, I had to do a M, T, Th, F schedule to fit in with my work schedule. I set it up like this:
Monday: DE squat
Tuesday: DE bench
Thursday: ME squat
Friday: ME bench
It worked really well for me. The thing I liked most about it was having the Max effort stuff at the end of the week. Those sessions tend to make me a lot more sore, and having the weekend to rest and recover was really nice at times. I made about the same progress as I’m making now, with the conventional Westside split.
A lot of guys throw it in at the end of their squat/dead days, as grip work is generally performed for the benefit of the deadlift. I would just suggest doing it on Tues, Fri, or Sat, so that you’ll have a day to rest your grip before your next session. Just an idea.
Yea but wouldn’t that kind of defeat the purpose especially if it was a heavy ME DL day or something like that? I think the grip work would suffer… I was thinking before the ME and DE bench/upper body days…
"Yea but wouldn’t that kind of defeat the purpose especially if it was a heavy ME DL day or something like that? I think the grip work would suffer… I was thinking before the ME and DE bench/upper body days… "
how long does it take your grip to recover? cause you really dont want to be short of grip when doing deads if you do it after upperbody…
also i westside doesnt actually deadlift that much, most of the ME lowerbody days are squat and goodmorning variations, so only occasionally will the strength work be affected