My question is, should I keep weighted dips in my chest routine? I’ve heard rumours that they can cause bitch tits and whatever else, and then I hear they’re one of the most underrated chest exercises. Before I threw these into my routine, my chest workout looked like this: flat BB bench, incline DB bench, incline hammer strength, cable crossovers or DB flies. So basically I swapped out the second incline press movement for weighted dips.
Is this a good idea? Considering I want to really develop my chest more.
How many different exercises do you think you actually need to build your chest? In all seriousness, if I were you I would write down all the chest exercises you’re doing, with a set and rep scheme next to it. Then I would write next to it the specific reason you’re choosing to do it.
In answer to your original question though: if you can do them without causing pain, do them. I can’t see any possible reason why doing dips would give you “bitch tits”, unless your gym has a “no steroids, no dips” rule.
I have been following the 5/3/1 percentages for all main lifts. My assistance work for each day usually aims at around 3-4 sets of 6-12 reps for each exercise for assistance. I chose the flat BB bench since it’s a basic compound movement; DB incline to hit the upper chest, dips for lower chest, and flies to get that final pump out of my chest. I like to basically use 5/3/1 percentages to get stronger, and bodybuilding type assistance. I incorporate jumps, throws and sprints as well, to add some explosive movements.
Dips are good but why do you feel the NEED to do them? Are you currently not getting results? If you aren’t, I would look at your execution of your current exercises and your diet first.
But your rationale for adding them in is sound and your chest workout looks fine so carry on if everything else is on track.
I love weighted dips! Before I tweaked my shoulder in June doing some crossfit shit with my GF, I was doing them regularly and my bench and chest were responding well.
Dips are good but why do you feel the NEED to do them? Are you currently not getting results? If you aren’t, I would look at your execution of your current exercises and your diet first.
But your rationale for adding them in is sound and your chest workout looks fine so carry on if everything else is on track.[/quote]
Well, I know that “bitch tits” part is pretty ridiculous, haha.
I decided to add weighted dips in to change up my routine a bit. I’ve been doing two incline presses along with my flat bench for so long. And I have heard good things about weighted dips. Great for overall chest development. It’s an assistance exercise that I only want to go for 8 reps at least. I don’t want to add too much weight and end up causing shoulder issues. So yeah, I just wanted to see if they will help my chest develop.
LUV dips. I hope I don’t develop DD’s, lol. That is the weirdest thing I’ve heard in awhile
Anyways, depending on your goals I would throw the dips back into your workouts and dump one of your incline movements. I don’t think you need incline dumbbell presses AND incline hammer strength presses to develop your chest. Pic one or the other or alternate from workout to workout; I don’t see the need gor both
How many reps and sets are you doing? And how many body parts you training each workout? Most importantly, what kind of intensity are you going at this exercises? Just seems like ALOT of unnecessary movements
I would think you would need to be at a very high-level to acquire that kind of volume in your training. What are your stats? Ht? Wt? Bf%? Years of training?
Well, I’ll give you my current workout routine just so you have an idea.
Day 1- Chest/Back (5/3/1 Bench)
Flat BB Bench (5/3/1 percentages for working sets.)
DB rows 4 sets- 12,10,8,6
Incline DB press (4 sets- 10,8,8,6) with pull ups (4 sets of 10-12)
Weighted dips (3 sets of 8 reps) with seated cable rows ( 3 sets of 10-12)
DB flies or Cable Crossovers (4 sets of 12 reps) with Straight arm pulldowns (4 sets of 12)
3-4 sets of trap work for 10-12 reps
Day 2- Legs (5/3/1 Squat)
Squat (warm up sets, then working sets)
SLDL (3-4 sets of 10-12 reps)
Bulgarian Split Squats with DBs (3 sets of 10-12) with hamstring accessory (same sets and reps)
Some calf work
Day 3- OFF
Day 4- Arm work (about 12 sets for biceps and triceps. Reps range from 8-12)
I know it’s not necessary to do an arm day, but I love doing it for fun. I’d be okay with splitting up biceps and triceps, if anyone has suggestions.**
Day 5- 5/3/1 Deadlift and Overhead Press
Deadlift -warm sets, working sets
Overhead press- warm sets, working sets with band pull aparts or face pulls (4 sets of 12-15 reps)
Walking lunges with DBs (3 sets of 10 reps each leg) with lateral raises with cable or DBs (3 sets of 10-12)
Back raises (holding 45lb. Plate) for 4 sets of 15 reps
ab work and cardio is on off days or after certain sessions
Stats: 6’6" @ currently 238lbs. I’m all limbs (83" reach) and I’ve been training for roughly 10 years. I’m going to start incorporating box jumps before squats, and some other plyometrics work. Besides weight training, I like to run/sprints, and train in MMA (been doing so for years, but it’s more of a hobby for me and a way to stay in shape.) School has me pretty tied up this year, so I don’t go to MMA class as much as I would like.
If you guys have any suggestions or advice for me to try out; please let me know. This weight training routine I have been doing for a couple of years now. Same template, but change exercises now and then. I would probably see better gains if I changed it up a bit, so feel free to let me know what you think!
[quote]ToolManSam wrote:
LUV dips. I hope I don’t develop DD’s, lol. That is the weirdest thing I’ve heard in awhile
Anyways, depending on your goals I would throw the dips back into your workouts and dump one of your incline movements. I don’t think you need incline dumbbell presses AND incline hammer strength presses to develop your chest. Pic one or the other or alternate from workout to workout; I don’t see the need gor both
How many reps and sets are you doing? And how many body parts you training each workout? Most importantly, what kind of intensity are you going at this exercises? Just seems like ALOT of unnecessary movements
I would think you would need to be at a very high-level to acquire that kind of volume in your training. What are your stats? Ht? Wt? Bf%? Years of training? [/quote]
[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
I personally would move your incline press accessory to your OHP day to allow you to get more recovery from bench day and more pressing another day. [/quote]
[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
I personally would move your incline press accessory to your OHP day to allow you to get more recovery from bench day and more pressing another day. [/quote]
Any other things I should consider moving around? I want to add cleans before deadlifts, jumps before squats, and maybe some clap push-ups or something before bench.
[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
I personally would move your incline press accessory to your OHP day to allow you to get more recovery from bench day and more pressing another day. [/quote]
Any other things I should consider moving around? I want to add cleans before deadlifts, jumps before squats, and maybe some clap push-ups or something before bench. [/quote]
There are many who think that the plyo movement should be done immediately after the strength movement. The heavy weight primes the fast twitch that are then used on the plyo.
[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
I personally would move your incline press accessory to your OHP day to allow you to get more recovery from bench day and more pressing another day. [/quote]
Any other things I should consider moving around? I want to add cleans before deadlifts, jumps before squats, and maybe some clap push-ups or something before bench. [/quote]
There are many who think that the plyo movement should be done immediately after the strength movement. The heavy weight primes the fast twitch that are then used on the plyo. [/quote]
Yeah, well I could play around with it and see how it feels I guess. One thing I enjoy about my old routine for chest; was hitting incline twice. I love building the upper chest. Is there a way I could add two incline pressing movements during the week? Maybe leave the flat bench, incline DB, and weighted dips…and then on OHP day, throw in another incline?
I find I really enjoy building power and strength with the main lifts; and then basically doing bodybuilding assistance work. I know I’m trying to get the best of both worlds here… I just hope I’m not overtraining this way.
Anecdotal observation only - I have been incorporating them into my assistance work routine with the 5/3/1 plan since starting the program in late May. I have seen consistent strength progression and noticeable definition in the chest, so from my personal standpoint, they are a staple in my program. I have had zero problems with the development of “moobs.”