Hello all. I’ve only been lifting and eating ‘correctly’ for about 6 months and have made some great progress in both my squat and deadlift numbers. Unfortunately, the easy n00b gains appear to have run out and poundage increases are fewer and farther between. The weak link appears to be my lower back, not only in DLs but in squatting as well. I feel as though my legs could handle much more weight than I’m using, but my back gives out before my quads.
I’m unsure how to break this mini-plateau. My gut tells me to just grab my sack, up my intensity, and pound out a few forced reps until my body adjusts and my back strength increases. However, I fear doing this will lead to injury because my form will begin to degrade on the last few reps. It’s not worth the risk, imo, so I’m looking for a different solution. Possibly good mornings?
Any ideas? I’m currently doing an upper/lower split, 4 days a week, and eating about 500 cals above maintanence per day. I’m 5’10", 190 lbs, and 27 years old.
My program looks like this:
Monday: Bench 3x5, Barbell Rows 3x7, Inclined Dumbell Press 3x7, Dumbell rows 3x7, Overhead tricep extensions 2x10
Tuesday: Full Squats 3x7, Lunges 3x5, Front Squat 3x5, calves and abs.
Thursday: Wide grip pullups 3x10, Overhead press 3x5, Neutral grip pullups 3x7, Dips 3x20, Dumbell curls
Friday: Deadlift 3x5, Barbell shrugs 3x7, Leg press 4x7, calves and abs