Hey coach,
Do you recommend warming up, before squats, deadlifts or presses?
Or do you think it is better just starting with the movement?
Thank you.
Hey coach,
Do you recommend warming up, before squats, deadlifts or presses?
Or do you think it is better just starting with the movement?
Thank you.
[quote]kbman wrote:
Hey coach,
Do you recommend warming up, before squats, deadlifts or presses?
Or do you think it is better just starting with the movement?
Thank you.[/quote]
What do you mean by “warming up”? Doing some light physical activity (stationary bike, rower, threadmill, etc.) to increase body temperature or doing mobility work?
I have people do mobility work (mostly EQI which were described in a recent article) if someone has mobility issue in the movement being trained. If they don’t have mobility issues I don’t use any mobility drills pre-lifting. A general 5-7 minutes of light physical activity is fine to elevate body temperature.
Do you do not think that execercises like turkish get ups, dumbell snatches, hip trusts, face pulls, YTWL increase performance? These activate the glutes, abs, and shoulders.
[quote]kbman wrote:
Do you do not think that execercises like turkish get ups, dumbell snatches, hip trusts, face pulls, YTWL increase performance? These activate the glutes, abs, and shoulders.[/quote]
Squats also activate your abs and glutes. I’ve never seen one elite Olympic lifter do these things and they seem to be able to snatch, clean & jerk and squat fine without them.
Why did you ask the question if you already have your answer? You asked for MY opinion. I activate by preparing for the movement to do, sometimes with a few technical drills. If you don’t like my answer, fine. But you asked what I do and here it is. Some of my athletes do mobility work and activation drills but they do it on their own. And to be honest I see no difference in performance or rate of injury between those who spend 30 minutes “activating” and those who just gradually work up on their main movements.
And if you are an athlete you will rarely have the chance to do all of these cute activation drills before competing. And if you play in a sport where there are several events or the competition has several periods you can’t “activate” 4 times per day!
And if you are a “real life athlete” like a fireman or someone who works a physical job… will you “activate” before rushing to the fire or do your job? Being able to perform at a high level with minimal preparation is also a quality worth developing.