Okay, I’ve done three full body work outs/week for the last 8 months. It works alright for me, but I tend to fry myself on the first two days, then I don’t perform as well as I should on the third training day.
I want to give an upper/lower split a try and see how it works for me. The problem: I’m lost! What does a good upper/lower split look like? Exercise selection? Are there some good programs on here with the upper/lower thing going on? Any other suggestions?
I float in between these a lot. The more I work on a calorie restricted diet, the more I want to see what I can do in a hypocaloric state. So: currently, slow cut, Looking to do upper/lower (four days/week training) to increase activity level. I plan to cut through at least mid june, then I’ll be done with that shit and start fooling around with calorie/macro intake to see what happens.
190 at 10-12%BF (on a scale thing, not sure what it actually is, and I haven’t checked for a while)
So, I’m thinking:
M: lower
T: upper
W: off, or some light cardio
R: Lower
F: upper
Sat: off, or light cardio
Sun: Off
next week put upper first on Monday/Wednesday, and lower on Tuesday/Thursday.
I’ve read up on some of this stuff on here, but I’m still a bit confused. Would working in the 4-6 rep zone for a big, primary movement (e.g. for upper: Bench, pull up) and then doing a secondary movement for the same muscle groups (DB flies/straight arm pull down) work well? Then toss in some direct arm work and maybe a few other secondary exercises ala face pulls or some sort of shoulder raise. Is that the general idea?
I guess I don’t know what the balance should be between big, primary lifts and secondary isolation movements. suggestions?
I know I need to build some muscle mass, and I know I can’t do that in a hypocaloric state. It’s just a constant struggle with my FFB mentality of, “let’s not be a gross 240 again” and coming to grips with the fact that I’m going to have to eat…a lot to gain any sort of muscle mass.
Again I say Look at ABBH try it its ALLL laid out for you do it then another and another etc etc and you will in time find what works best for you
yes those rep schemes can work hell any of them can if you do them with intensity
A good basic plan on Upper days base the workout on ONE!! big push move say a Bench press or OH press, and one BIG pull like chins or a row REALLY do those two, then add on assistance work
On leg day pick ONE big leg move like a squat or DL variation and DO that damn thing if its squat day you go and SQUAT!!! then tack on some assistance Done
I love the upper/lower split. I’ve had good success with choosing one max effort exercise for each session, then one more money exercise for the opposing muscle groups, then adding in assistance work for the opposite bodypart. For instance:
-squat heavy single
-single-leg dumbbell deadlift
-decline tricep extension
-dumbbell lateral raise
-incline barbell press heavy single
-weighted chinups
-back extension
-leg curl
I like the way ABBH looks, but the days off between upper/lower day aren’t exactly what I’m looking for. I should try it for a while and see how it goes. I train at my college’s gym which is outstanding and very well equiped, but the hours are shit. It’s only open saturday from 1pm-5pm and not open sundays at all. That could throw off the ABBH schedule.
[quote]boyscout wrote:
Okay, I’ve done three full body work outs/week for the last 8 months. It works alright for me, but I tend to fry myself on the first two days, then I don’t perform as well as I should on the third training day.
I want to give an upper/lower split a try and see how it works for me. The problem: I’m lost! What does a good upper/lower split look like? Exercise selection? Are there some good programs on here with the upper/lower thing going on? Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
My current split is an upper/lower, very few exercises because i work out in my garage.
My Upper -
Weighted Pullups (wide grip usually, but will sometimes switch it up)
Weighted Dips
Incline DB Presses, BB Rows.
Lower (i have 3 lower days a week)
Lower A & C Days (first and last of the week)
Back Squats (usually 3x8 instead of heavy singles), Good Mornings, Overhead Barbell Lunges
I have two days that I can train this week (loves the college gym hours), so here’s what I’m thinking to try this upper/lower thing out:
Day A (Upper):
10x3 pull ups
10x3 wide grip dips
3x8-10 dumbell flies
3x8-10 Face pull
Direct arm work
Day B (Lower)
10x3 Back Squat
10x3 Sumo style or romanian deadlift
3x8-10some sort of secondary quad dominant leg exercise (hack squat maybe? leg press?)
3x8-10Leg curls or glute ham raises
3x10-12 Calf exercise
Throw in some abdominal work in there somewhere.
Can’t really get started on a program without the proper time to do one, but I was just wondering if those exercise selections and setxrep schemes made sense. I’ve responded well to the 10x3 thing in the past–I work very well in the lower rep ranges but sets of more than 10 tend to make me want to shoot myself.
EDIT: why would I ask, “Does the above work?” when no one would know except me after I try it.