Upper/Lower Split?

So I asked a week or so ago if 4 day per week total body was good and was told to do a 4 day per week upper/lower split. Now, I’m not necessarily new to lifting but i have no experience in designing a program. I’ve read Christian Thibaudeau’s “How to design a damn good program” a few times.

I’m still kind of nowhere though. I want to get stronger/bigger but according to that article, those are two seperate goals. So, I found a 4 day split workout on bodybuilding.com. I’ll attach thelink at the bottom as it is very long.

I’d really like some help in exercise selection. I know how to design parameters and have learned over time that my body responds well to supersets as well. I have a pretty unlimited amount of time to spend in the gym but realize that a good workout is typically about an hour or less. I typically don’t have a plan when going into the gym and I realize that is a bad thing.

I love variation and changing things up though so that my body doesn’t get used to the same workout. Therefore, pretty much every week I switch out exercises, such as deadlifts to wide stance deadlifts or pullups to bodyweight rows. I hate feeling stagnant in a workout so any help in design or direction in what else to read would be great.

I’m 24, 5’11 and 175 with 11% body fat. I’ve got an extremely clean diet as well. I’d like to get to about 185ish by the end of next summer and a little bit bigger and stronger both.

How does everyone feel about the workouts in Muscle and Fitness? I did the recent “Prime the Pump” workout which was 6 days per week for 4 weeks and saw pretty solid results. My bench went up 10lbs, I can successfully do more pullups, and I gained a little bit of mass. They print a new workout every month so I figured I’d ask if it’s worth getting a subscription so I have something else to refer back to.

Thanks for the help.

The most important thing for you is to get more regimented in your workouts! Pen and Paper! You’re memory is not as good as you think it is.

The most important thing for you to do is track PROGRESS!

I understand you like changing things up, but you will never be able to gage progress if you keep flying by the seat of your pants.

I recommend starting with Waterbury’s ABBH for an upper/lower split. It’s extremely simple and extremely effective. With proper diet you should be able to make some solid gains in strength and size!

Just remember… tracking progression is the key to results!

4 day a week fullbody: Waterbury’s Quattro Dynamo

Upper lower split: http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=1474118

[quote]derek2183 wrote:

. I want to get stronger/bigger but according to that article, those are two seperate goals.


Whoah, no they aren’t man. People can get stronger without getting bigger, but you have to try(ie powerlifters trying to stay in a certain weight class). And you aren’t going to see too many(everyone knows a freak or two, I’m talking general population) very large weight trainers who aren’t moving some big weight.

If you bench press 185x10 now and two years later you are pressing 335x10 unless you are eating like a 12 year old girl you are going to have a much more massive chest. Apply that mindset to every bodypart and eat for size gains and you’ll be big and strong, voila!


Upper/Lower split that will make you bigger AND stronger. With transformations in the article to prove it.

It also has lots of variation which you like.