So I asked a week or so ago if 4 day per week total body was good and was told to do a 4 day per week upper/lower split. Now, I’m not necessarily new to lifting but i have no experience in designing a program. I’ve read Christian Thibaudeau’s “How to design a damn good program” a few times.
I’m still kind of nowhere though. I want to get stronger/bigger but according to that article, those are two seperate goals. So, I found a 4 day split workout on I’ll attach thelink at the bottom as it is very long.
I’d really like some help in exercise selection. I know how to design parameters and have learned over time that my body responds well to supersets as well. I have a pretty unlimited amount of time to spend in the gym but realize that a good workout is typically about an hour or less. I typically don’t have a plan when going into the gym and I realize that is a bad thing.
I love variation and changing things up though so that my body doesn’t get used to the same workout. Therefore, pretty much every week I switch out exercises, such as deadlifts to wide stance deadlifts or pullups to bodyweight rows. I hate feeling stagnant in a workout so any help in design or direction in what else to read would be great.
I’m 24, 5’11 and 175 with 11% body fat. I’ve got an extremely clean diet as well. I’d like to get to about 185ish by the end of next summer and a little bit bigger and stronger both.
How does everyone feel about the workouts in Muscle and Fitness? I did the recent “Prime the Pump” workout which was 6 days per week for 4 weeks and saw pretty solid results. My bench went up 10lbs, I can successfully do more pullups, and I gained a little bit of mass. They print a new workout every month so I figured I’d ask if it’s worth getting a subscription so I have something else to refer back to.
Thanks for the help.