Dear Alpha Males,
I am a 18 year old kid, from a very small country. Few years ago, I was fat, I lifted a bit and did tons of cardio, followed strict diet and lost it all. Since then, I lifted a few times for a month or two and then paused for 5-6 months, mostly do to finances.
Now I finally decided to be my best in the sport I love,Mixed Martial Arts. I bought myself a bag and gloves few days ago,got my gym membership and some whey protein. But now, I am in a dillema and have few questions.
There is an Amateur MMA Championship in June next year.
Currently, I am sitting at 90kg, guessing around 20% BF,194-195cm I’m providing the picture so you can estimate (not sure if I’m right).
I’d like to get around 85kg of LBM,9% BF until New Year’s Eve(IF POSSIBLE, giant pool party and want to surprise everyone) and develop speed,strength and power for June.
1.) Should I cut if I want to get lean for New Year Party and bulk after until march/april?
2.) Is Westside For Skinny Bastards a good program to gain mass and “noob gains”, or what program should I use while cutting (because I am in a deficit,could I build mass?)
3.) Is this program useful, or any good? (Friend made it for me)
5x3-5 Bench Press
3x8-12 Overhead Press
3X8-12 Dips
3x8-12 T-Raise
Push-ups FAILURE
5x3-5 Squat
3X15 Calfe Raise
5x2 Ball Jumps
3x20 Incline crunches
3x20 Ab Twisters
3x8-12 Seated Rows
3x8-12 Lat-Pulldowns
3x8-12 Curls
3x8-12 Tricep Pulldowns
3xFAILURE Chin-Up/Pull-Up
Also,another picture: