
Hey t-peeps i just thought i would fill you all in , i know alot of you are following pavels stuff as am i, so here are my results after doing ladders on the chinup for 4 weeks every day i can now do three one arm to full extension chin ups with grip either way (facing into or away) with each arm. i used a ladder of 12345 resting as long as itr took my training parter to do his then 90 secs between each set of ladders i also reversed the way each set started for example set one 12345 rest 90 then 54321 rest 90 12345 and so on for 5-8 sets each day . Hope that helps any one who is interested.

How many one arm chins / regular chins could you do before you did the program?

sorry for the delay eag but i was out at the health store stocking up!! before starting the program i could not do one arm chins at all and i could do 9 regular chins now i can do 5 with extra weight (22lbs) but don’t know how many without wieght i can do as i have not tested it it is due to be tested in seven weeks time!!

Keep us posted FFB… what is your body weight?

soz for not responding sooner but i was out. any way i am 6’ to 6’1 i weigh 170 lbs and am currently doing a modified version of the fat fast only my second day but i am in ketosis do alot of low carb diets as i function better on them .

that is great…did u gain any noticable mass on ur back or bis as well?

irontank i did gain some mass but not alot on my arms but my back has a lovely V taper now and i have a lot more definition and power in it, i also developed incresed hardness and definition and some vascularity in my arms.

Nice, congrats on the V…couple questions…what was ur split like when u were doin the pull-up ladder? Did u do any other back work, like rows or what not?

irontank my split was m/w/f

monday deadlifts 53,41,33
cleans 2

wednesday bench 5*3,1*1,2*3,2*1 squat same as dead

friday same as monday

the next week wednesday would become monday friday and monday friday would become wednesday.ladders were done every day in the morning approx 8 hours b4 workout.


I’m somewhat confused. You said latters were preformed everyday in the morning before a workout. This sounds like you did them 3 times a week. But the way you worded that sentence(plus after reading your initial post) maybe you ment everyday aswell? Eitherway it sounds like alot of volume. I would like to know cause you have made impressive strength gains. However one thing seems odd too me. I know I can’t do a one arm if my life depended on it. But even in an untrained state(as I am now) I am quite sure I could bang out 4 reps with and extra 20 lbs. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks FFB. :slight_smile:

nkeago you are correct i did mean everyday even on the workout days, except the weekend i don’t do any exercise at the weekend . I am sorry if i did not make this clear. Also i did not make it clear when i said i could do five with 22 lbs what i meant was i could do the whole 5-8 sets of ladders with that extra wieght, again sorry if the was not clear. If you have any other question feel free to ask.
Happy and productive training to yah!!!

can you explain the 54321 thing? I’m not sure what that means.

no probs mate . you do five reps then four reps then three reps the two reps the one rep that is one set. between each amount of reps , for example after five reps u wait till your parter has completed his then u do you four reps if you train alone presume how long it would take a parter then move on to four reps. hope this helps!!!

FFB thanks for the response. 5 days in a row. Ouch. For lats that would kill me. Usually after doing chin ups I can feel my lats for 5 to 7 days. Me thinks my work & recovery capcity is ca-ca. I do have another question. You say 5 to 8 sets. Therefore I’m thinking you must have a critical drop off point? ie: If you don’t get so many reps on a given ladder or whatever the workout is over? Lastly I think the cleans contributed alot to your strength gains. :slight_smile:

nkeago, the routine would not kill you as you are not training to failure at any point that is something that pavel preaches and since giving up training to failure i don’t feel as drained all the time also u don’t need to do the ladders 5 days, you could just do them on non gym days, i feel that it would be best however to do them this weay for possibley two to four weeks with a two week layoff in between each cycle of ladders that is infact what i will be incorporating into my training .

nkeago it seems to me that you are wanting more functional strength if that is the case check out my new post called functional strength support group, you will pick up alot of my and others ideas there!!!

Also my cleans most likely did help with my strength gain as that is what my program was designed to do but believe me doing the ladders alone would give you fantastic results.

hope to see you in the FSSG, happy and productive training to yah!


Thanks again. Oh yes I for got the evil one doesn’t like training to failure. Yes I bet that would make a big difference in recovery. I’m assuming you have read books by Pavel? Did you order online from Dragondoor or amazon? I’ll be sure to check out the FSSG. Ciao. :slight_smile:

Nkeago i haven’t read any of his books as i can’t get a hold of them here in scotland, but i was going to order them off of amzon but they say it will take approx 4 months and the only one i can get from them is power to the people so i got all the knowledge i need from asking ? here and reading the forum at dragondoor.com (If you have ne ? about his books nate dogg will be happy to fill you in )

Thanks again FFB. I might order some of his books in a few months. Reason being I have several other books too read first. :slight_smile: