To make a long story short: My shoulder is broken and I have been scouring the internet for exercises to fix it. I have tried band pull aparts etc. The thing that worked the best was holds as CT described in his article a month ago or so.
Last week I stumbled across an article about rotator cuff rehab where the author suggested using turkish getups as they are sort of like a static hold but due to their nature they involve all the stabilizing muscles in the shoulder.
So, I started trying them last week with just my arm, then 2.5 lbs, then this week with 5 lbs. They feel great! What I mean is that my shoulder does not hurt at all after doing them. Now, I know I have not done any weight really yet but even pressing with 5 lb plates was bugging my shoulder.
Anyway, yesterday I was in a hurry so I stagger setted my getups with my clean grip low pulls. I was doing cluster sets of 2x5 reps for 5 sets. I did turkish getups with 5 lb plates x 10 reps between my pull cluster sets.About 15 - 20 seconds rest to switch between the pulls and the getups. By the second set I was breathing hard. By the fourth set I was having a hard time with the pulls because I was breathing almost as hard as when I do an HIIT session.
So, I was thinking about it and I think the turkish getup would be great to add as one of the carries. I know it is not exactly a carry but it seems to have the same metabolic effect as well at being great for your shoulders.
Has anybody used turkish getups like this before? I am planning on keeping increasing weight every week until a) it does start to hurt my shoulder or b) I get to where it is too heavy to do 10 reps. I dont have a good feel for how much that might be right now but I think that if I did 40 lb turkish getups for 10 reps I would be really tired.