I’ve been on TRT for about 3 years. Test C, 140mg per week divided in two doses every 3.5 days.
My current lab results are good and my testosterone level is 792 at trough, right before injection. I’ve got a bit of a stockpile and have been thinking about Blasting for a cycle.
My goal is to jumpstart and fast track a body recomp. I’ve grown older, lazy and fat…time for a change. I know I will get decent newbie and muscle memory gains but I’m just looking to speed up the process and improve recovery.
What can I expect by blasting Test C for a period of time?
What is the typical blast dose? 500mg/wk E3.5D? 8-10 weeks?
What are the short term and long term side effects to watch out for?
Is this a bad idea? General opinion?
Thanks guys! 41 years old, 5’7, stocky, 240lbs. 36% body fat
Thanks guys. Yes, I did have a similar thread on the TRT subforum. Some great advice…but I got a “wrong forum” vibe. I’m not set on blasting at all…but I am interested in the mechanics of how and why.
It is beginning to sound like the people with more experience than me here don’t recommend blasting or PED use when the body fat percentage is high. Almost as if this is only reserved for people cutting and bulking for competition.
Why is blasting not beneficial for growing muscle on us husky folks? If the general consensus is that it is a bad idea, that’s fine…I just like to understand why it isn’t a good idea.
Thank you for that. I wasn’t happy with the “Too much blubber, can’t do it” answers. This is good info.
My BF was measured using a descent electronic scale that can measure BF%. Not precise at all…but it is consistent and can shows progress week to week. I’ve got a lean body mass of 155lbs.
No, I’ve been on 140mg for almost 3 years. Was thinking of going to 200mg for 10-12wks. Learned that what I was thinking about was really blasting, which is usually done at higher doses.
Still interested and getting some push back…just wanting to know why its not a good idea.
Going from 140 to 200 is not going to give you much more benefit. The only thing that will happen is you will aromatize more if your prone and hold a bit more water possibly. I would get diet and training in check for 6 months and then see where your are at.
36% body fat?? Is that even possible for someone lifting weights at all?
Are you saying that you have not been lifting weights at all? If so, just restarting lifting weights will be a great jumpstart from the benefit of muscle memory.
First prove to yourself that you have the motivation to put in the required work and effort. Bodybuilding is nothing like a fast food drive-in. It is planting seeds, watering, fertilizing, pulling weeds, all that must be given total devotion before you harvest what you desire. Have you ever seen a fat farmer?
Bodybuilding is work. Hard work. No one finds success from the shelf of any store.
Just getting back to the gym after a long time off. Was power lifting about 12 years ago, kids and a crazy wife derailed me for a bit. Cutting out the crap food and beer and getting my butt back to business.
Was hoping to cheat a bit and blast but it sounds like that isn’t the best idea. I’ll grow some muscle sure, but also some gyno and a bunch of other negative things.
I would say don’t revisit “blasting” until you achieve your former PR’s in the three power lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift).
Once you get back to your old self strength, only then should you approach “blasting” while strongly weighing the risk:benefit ratio.
41 years old is young. I watched Charles Bailey start powerlifting at age 43. In the 275’s he achieved a 2,500lb total at 50+ years old. (He was a light-heavyweight bodybuilder before that.)
I bet you could do plenty with a diet and your TRT to start with. Lower that BF % down some, then think about a “blast”. Since you’re on TRT already, I’d just play with your TT levels and see how much progress you make. Like double your TT for 6-8 weeks, see how that goes. Then go higher if needed
No point of blasting. You will just waste gear as more test wont help you in any way to do what you wanna do. You are like a bus. But you want to be a nascar. But putting an engine of a nascar inside a bus wont make the bus a nascar - you would need a different workshop and different work done on the bus, where enginge is the last step. The bus wont go much faster as its not built for it, and it will be more dangerous because of the new unpredictable engine. You first should remodel the whole structure of the bus before you think about the engine.
Most people need to gain weight with moderate dosages to gain muscle. If you have great genetics or using lots of drugs or both this may not apply. Most still need to gain body fat to gain muscle in gear, or to at least ensure they aren’t wasting a cycle.
It’s going to be mentally tough to gain 15 lbs while already overweight. I was having a tough time with body image last blast, and I was around 15 percent body fat.