TRT and Blasting. A Few Questions

Stocky is a nice way of avoiding the truth. This is morbidly obese. I’m same age and height. It takes every fiber of my being to be a muscular 200lbs. It’s a lot of work to maintain this much weight. Most healthy guys our height are 155-180lbs.


Yea, its like when the girl is not pretty but u dont wanna say it : “shes an interesting girl” or “nice person” :smiley:


When I was growing up, if someone said “everybody likes her”, beware, she probably isn’t much to look at.


But I’ve got a nice personality! Lol…wasn’t trying to say I’m just a little chubby. I know I’m a fatty due to laziness. I’m generally a Endomorph type…I put on muscle just as easy as blubber.

My LBM is about 155lbs, so even if I had 15% body fat I’d be 180-185lbs which is pretty high for a 5’7" dude that hasn’t hit the gym in far too long, actually borderline obese.

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Doesnt work that way my friend. When you lose the 55lbs you need to lose its not all going to be fat. Your LBM is going to shrink pretty proportionally. Ever see a body builder in the off season? They gain a lot of BF because its easier to hold the LBM underneath when you are in such a surplus.


Do what works. Start with eating high protein, low carb meals. No fast food. No breakfast, only coffee. HIIT should be the first exercise you should incorporate. Then weights, and more HIIT. Once you start to lose the weight start considering a blast. But for now, you’re fat and Im amazed you weigh 240 at 5’7”. Lose the extra person first. You cheat by cheating yourself out of beer, and cookies. Control your pie hole, and start eating high protein meals. It all starts with what you put in. And it all ends with what you put out. So eat clean, work out.


Post up your blood work at this thread following instructions here:


I just posted a question yesterday and realize some these folks just want to bash. People here forget they were newbs. (For the guys actually helping, thank you).

Like you, I was at a much higher bf%. Unlike you, I have taken many beginner cycles over 25 yrs. I let myself go for 5 yrs in a super stressful job. Lost fantastic lifetime muscle mass gains and got FAT.

I went on a 16 week cycle of 600mg/week of sustenon and kept my diet ON POINT. I kept my cals at about 700 below TDEE and lost about 1.2 lbs of fat per week while increasing muscle. I’m still at 19% and about to cruise.

Ppl everywhere will tell you to get leaner, and that’s good advice. However, if you get your TDEE and diet in check, you can drop that weight quickly and a good test cycle will help. Just gaining muscle mass will help you become leaner. From 35% it will take some time but just keep your cals in check.

Look up “Recomp” and get the basics.

Go for it.

You’re not recomping 35% bodyfat. Going on cycle with this high BF% is likely going to lead to estrogen issues, moreover it is a wasted cycle as OP clearly does not know what his body needs nutritionally speaking (if not also training).

If you don’t know what you’re doing with regards to both diet and training, you have no business getting into AAS.

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Of course he can’t recomp all of it. He stated he wanted to build muscle.

I got fat as hell and recomped from 30% down to 21%. Granted, most of it was just fat loss- but I got my arms, traps, and etc back. Feels good at 48 yrs old to get some of the old muscle back.