TRT to Blast on testosterone

I’m interested to hear from those who have been on TRT dose of test for a while and bumped up to a blasting dose for a cycle and then back down to the TRT dose.

I know there’s opinions about what amount is TRT vs. supra physiological so for purposes of this question I’m defining a TRT dose as 200mg per week and a blast being 500mg per week.

How long were you on the blast? Bad effects? Good effects?

Current one is 16 weeks

Slight bump in BP, very hungry, slight increase in PRL

More strength, more muscle, lots of energy, drive to workout is back


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Not many people will reply with something very bad happening to them in the first test blast when being on trt. You will probably do it anyway. So not gonna ask about you whole life/training experience, but for starters:
Do you have an AI and Tamoxi on hand?
How are you eating on trt? How will you be eating on a blast?

I tried it. my regular dose is Tprop 20-30mg/day (still experimenting). went up to 50mg/daily. too many negatives for me. i recommend running short acting esters. you can make quick adjustments and dont have to wait for weeks

I did it a few times. The first time I definitely noticed a difference in strength and gained a few lean lbs. After that it was a diminished return. IMO, the muscle / physique gains from TRT alone will take a long time even though they are front loaded. Blasting test will get you there faster but it will not take you much past that threshold where you would be on TRT alone with time.

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Just from my experience and not recommending anyone do what I did:

  • I only took AAS to make my physique the absolute best it could be.
  • You want to define 200mg/wk of testosterone as TRT, but the truth is you are running enhanced testosterone. It only makes sense to me that you are doing so to improve muscle size (or strength).
  • So, you are doing a similar approach as I took as to why take testosterone, at least at that dosage.

Like it or not, IMO, you are “cruising.” Your question is how much testosterone to “blast.” If it were me, I would be asking what to “blast” at what doses, for how long.

I would stack some anabolic steroids that add up to 200 to 300mg/wk on top of your 200mg/wk “TRT” for 8 week long blasts, with at least 8 weeks between “blasts.”

BTW, I am on TRT where I am taking 100mg of testosterone every 5 days. It keeps my Total Testosterone in the 500 to 600ng/dL range tested in the trough. I do it for health purposes.

I agree with this. Especially for guys that have been doing higher end TRT for awhile. 500 mg/wk is 2.5X 200 mg/wk, but I just don’t think it moves the gainz needle that much in a few months. Spending half the time at 500 mg/wk and half at 200 mg/wk over a few years is going to get an average user like an extra 5-10 lbs of lean tissue from what I’ve seen.

I’m looking into this for aesthetic reasons only. BUT I’m trying to do it in the smartest way possible.

I’ve done some research on stacks vs. test alone and because test is a bio identical substance I’ve seen a lot of theories it’s the safest way vs. introducing a synthetic substance. I’ve also see plenty of theories that when you raise your test to levels where you need an AI you’re doing worse that adding synthetics. But for my first time, I figured I’d give the bio-identical theory a first run.

I did 100mg on a TRT dose before and got nothing. I went up to 200mg last year and saw an increase in lean muscle mass, improved sleep, better mood, etc. so for me I think 200 is still in that therapeutic dose but it’s not a “getting swole for summer dose”.

I don’t have any side effects at 200. I did have some slight moon face but switched from 1x per week injection to 2x per week and it went away. That and a 15 lb weight loss and shaving my beard.

DEXA scan today, I’m 15% body fat. 6’3”, 215 lbs, 51 yoa. (pic below)

My plan is to go to 500mg propionate, injected 2x per week and see what happens. If have side effects where I need an AI I’ll take it and reduce the amount and try again to find out where I cross that line into side effects.

I figured 8-12 weeks at 500 and then back down to 200. If I get what I want maybe I do blast/cruise at those levels 3x per year or until I see diminishing returns. If I don’t maybe I’ll add in some primo and nandrolone and give that a longer run of 12-16 weeks.

I’m also aware that no amount of injections will outdo a shitty diet or lazy training. I have separate log on here I’ve kept for the last 2 months showing daily training and diet. I track every calorie I consume. I’m pretty consistent with a 35% carb, 25% fat, and 40% macros daily with an average of 200g of protein per day. Yesterday was my last day of the cut (2200 cals per day on a 2800-3k TDEE). I’m going back up to 2500 per day and will be tracking to see what my new maintenance is. Long term goal is to add about 10 more lbs of muscle with as little fat gain as possible.

I’m getting labs next week so I’m not doing anything until I get those updated for a baseline.

When I first started using test because of my lack of enery, motivation etc… I decided I would try more than normal trt and shitload less than " normal gymbro " tells you aka 500mg a week. So i did 300mg. I have done it twice by now for 16-18 weeks. What i noticed is that, If used AI I was alot leaner my blood level numbers were more " on check " . Second time i started with 300mg i did not use any AI ai gaiined if i remember correctly extra 5 kgs ? But it seems to be more or less later weight. Had better sleep better feeling etc, but mostly it depends on ratio Test vs estro i think. Only problem i had was i had high HBC and HB. Maybe its my mentality i dont know, but riding on 174-179 HB and 52% felt OK but numbers did not add up for my brain.
Also due to HBC and HB higher blood pressure than usually.
Coming down from 300 to 100 felt like big downgrade, and kinda shit. But now I am completley off and it seems like complete shit comparaed to 100mg/week . And my test level is 16 nmol ( max is 30 ) .
So i guess it really depends on how much you take and for how long.

Sorry but when I respond I assumed you were using Test Cyp. That much T Prop in one injection is going to hurt so bad you will hate life. Also it’s best to be injected ED or EOD. Twice a week is sub optimal.


Thanks for the heads up. I will rethink that plan and look at more frequent pins.

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Definitely consider more frequent pins. The smaller volume of oil will help a bit with the bite from T prop. Win win.