Hey all. New to the forums here. Been on trt since June. Been doing small blast in between blood work. I’m planning to start my next blast with the following and hoping for some pros/cons?
350mg Tri Test / week
30mg Anavar / day
10 mg dbol / day
12.5 clomid / wk for shbg and e2
.25mg arimidex for e2
36 years old, slender bones structure with med level muscle mass id say… about 25% body fat, got diagnosed with extremely low T (200 at peak value) a few months back and hopped on TRT. Been seeing meager but steady results. Goal is to ultimately lean out but also gain some mass while I’m still young enough to play around with a few compounds here and there. Not looking to be Ronnie Coleman or anything but would like to see some heavier slabs in my shoulders, traps, and chest. Right now my bloods are 12 weeks about so I was thinking starting off 6 weeks on, 6 weeks just test at TRT dose. And I’m on TRT for life so I really don’t care about being shut down, PCT, etc but I have considered going off evwrything the week after blast as a way to give my body a full break? Thanks D
Just asking if anyone thinks it would be helpful in any way since I’ll be doing blast n cruise instead of standard cycles with PCT and all. Didn’t know if it would be good to give my organs a break once in a while from all anabolic?
For your goals this should be enough. But it’s really all about calories in and out. Something like a lowish carb and calorie deficit nutrition plan is going to do 90% of the work while the Test/Var combo will,help retain muscle or even gain a bit. High protein, high fat, low carb and prepare to fight the hunger a bit. Best of luck to you brother.
Stay at your TRT dose and get this down under 20%. High body fat and higher test don’t go together that great. You’ll be more prone to higher estrogen conversion.
Going off for a week? This will do nothing as the esters won’t even be clear.
AS @blshaw said, this is 95% diet and proper training. What does your look like? If your sitting at 25% bodyfat I think we have a diet issue to fix.
Thanks for the insight bro. Just started the 350 and 30mg Car combo. Feeling good. I am working on diet 100% but losing all the low T weight is not an overnight process unfortunately. Been steady gaining muscle and losing BF. To be fair 25% BF was when I started TRT, it’s probably dropped a bit now. I am putting in the work in the weight room and at the dinner table to make sure I maximize my blasts. Going to make a few more tweaks to my diet as well. Next challenge is the PIP from this 350 blend. It’s intense compared to my doc’s cyp 200 in cottonseed I guess my body doesnt enjoy the prop or mct oil or something.
Drop that dbol to just pre training. 2x per week. Might be worth bumping to 20mg. Just my opinion. I’m sure it will work either way. Keep calories clean and sleep lots man. Also Not sure why you changed test base…