Is 60 Too Old to Blast?

I’m 60 years old and have been on trt for 8+ years. I’m considering running a 12 week blast of 400 mg per week of test only. My current trt dose is 200 per week which puts me at about 1200 at trough. My trt protocol has been dialed in for some time and so has my diet and training. I’ve been training over 30 years and although I don’t chase how much weight I lift anymore I still feel that I’m strong for my size.

I have run blast in the last few years 300 test and up to 400 masteron with good results.

I’m considering this to see if I can put on more size(it’s been a lifelong struggle).

My stats; 5’6",163lbs. Not exactly sure what my body fat is but I assume it’s under 10% since I have good ab definition and being lean has never been a problem.

Before someone tells me to eat more, I have done many bulk and cuts over my 30 years. I can get up to about 180 but look and feel like shit. I go through the cutting phase and end up just where I started t 163-165,so I haven’t done that in years.

My current health is excellent with the only issue being bph which is much better since I started taking 10mg of cialis daily.

So getting to the point, do you guys think 60 is too old to run a blast like this?

Is one blast going to be worth it to you? Does this one blast get followed by another blast in 6 months or so? At 60 I would be happier with being cut than worrying about packing on 10lbs.

I think this is up to you to weigh the risk vs reward. You only live once.

Yeah that’s where I’m leaning. It’s really just curiosity. I’m doing fine where I’m at so I’ll probably just leave it be and be happy where I’m at.

At that age, I personally would use the safest AAS possible if I HAD to blast (I wouldn’t).

Primo comes to mind.


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I wouldn’t blast at 60

But if you decide to, getting an ecg beforehand would be pivotal, monitoring health markers fiercely would also be important

@hrdlvn blasts/has blasted and is 68 if I recall correctly

Perhaps something mild like 100mg primo with you’re trt could give you a slight edge?

So do you think primo would be better than the masteron I run in the summer? Wouldn’t primo require a pretty high dose to be effective?

Not talking about a cycle, I was saying perhaps a little kick (acutely), like 100mg primo. It isn’t to say such a dose won’t do anything, the effect will be subtle… but more pronounced given you’re lean than it would be for most

I’m not recommending this, I’m saying you could micro dose a compound instead of outright blasting (I’ve done this a few times)

In reality, 1200ng/dl at trough is more than good enough for 60 y/o

But it’s you’re body, you’re decisions. @studhammer is around 55 and uses high dosages

@magnumd, as @unreal24278 said, I’m 54 and run somewhat high blast doses. Right now I’m running 500 Test and 200 Mast/week with 3 iu GH/day. I’ve been running the GH for almost a year now and love it. I’m also about 5’6" and standing at 200 lbs for a while. My BF is 15% as I just had a DEXA scan a couple of weeks ago. If mass is your goal, @zeek1414 or @iron_yuppie can give you some good protocols but, as you know, calories have to increase quite a bit for mass to follow.

I’ve have gone up 25-30 lbs in the last 5 years so I think your goals are reasonable.

How old were you during you’re first blast?

About 49. I didnt start self treating until 2014, then I went a little crazy in the beginning.